Hi Everybody
I just got back from working out. I did 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer and then some weight machines. I created a new recipe. I call it Chicken Fajita (spelling?) Salad. I stir fried some chicken and red pepper seasoned with cumin, cayenne pepper, and salt. Then I served it on lettuce with tomato and topped with salsa. It was delicious. Tomorrow I go on my 2 days of Takeoff. Every two weeks, I do two days of a juice mixture and eat only meat and green vegetables. I get to have steak. I only eat beef on those two days. I hope everyone has a successful week.
Hi Jessica,
It is an optional part of LA Weight Loss. The juice is similar to the stuff that can be bought at any store. It is in a 32 oz. bottle. On the first day, I mix 16 oz. with 16 oz. of water. I sip on this all day. Plus eat as much meat and green vegetables as I want. It is the only two days that I don't have to measure my food. Then I do the same the next day. After two days, I go back on my regular plan. For breakfast, I will have 1 boiled egg (it says 2, but 1 egg is all I can eat). For lunch, I am having a big ribeye steak (my favorite) and some cucumber slices. For dinner, I will have hamburger and a green salad. Any meat is allowed. I just always have beef those two days because I always eat chicken the rest of the time. I usually loose about 2-3 pounds those two days. It gives me a little boost to change up my diet some. Keep up the good work, Jessica. You are doing great.
LA Weight Loss since late April 2004
I went on LA Weight Loss 2 to 3 years ago, and lost 52 pounds on it. I tended to eat the same foods all the time, to save money. I got tired of their strict rules for food pairing. Their cookbook is wonderful. I sent my mom some of the recipes, because they're so simple, quick, and tasty.
LA Weight Loss leads you astray with their commercials. They say it costs $7.00 a week, but there is one stipulation. You have to pay for a year in advance, to the tune of $364.00. I go to Weigh****chers now, for $12.00 a week, and you actually pay by the week. I find Weigh****chers is simpler to follow. I feel I get the support I need. And I found that the counselors at LA Weight Loss (where I attended) were abit too strict for my taste. They wouldn't let me use Holland Rusks as a food, because it wasn't on their plan. Weigh****chers isn't this way.
Denise Phares

Hi Denise,
I guess everyone has to find the program that works for them. Paying in advance has kept me committed. I like the strict plan because I know exactly what I can and can't eat. And where I go, the counselors are great. I tried Weigh****chers a few years back. It didn't work for me. I lost about 25 pounds then I just quit losing, even though I was still following the program. I think there are so many different diets because people are so different. I've tried lots of different diets, and LA by far has been the most successful and healthy for me. But I encourage everyone to do what is working for them. I can remember how exciting it was when I finally realized that this was going to work for me. That I could really reach my goal. Good luck to you on WW.