I"m starting again

c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/22/05 2:34 pm - Pulaski, TN
I think I am inspired enough to begin anew....once again! Tomorrow - I will put my granddaughter in her stroller....get outside...and go for a walk! Tomorrow - I will NOT eat junk food and will, in fact, clean out my cabinets! Tomorrow - for one day - I will stick to a plan to better my health!! One day at a time! Kandy
on 9/22/05 11:40 pm - Jeannette, PA
I am very happy that you decided to try again. I started my plan back up on tuesday sept 20th. It's so hard because you know how much you want to lose weight and be healthy but its like the bad food just calls to you. I'm sticking to my plan, but I keep getting those cravings. What I do to try to ignore my cravings is a put a photo of me at my highest weight on the fridge, and my kid's junk food cubboard. Its helped alot these last 4 days. I don't know if you have a problem with cravings but just in case I thought this might help you also. Good Luck, Melissa
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/24/05 1:27 pm - Pulaski, TN
Thank you Melissa! Yes, the pictures help. I have one AWFUL picture that I need to have enlarged and post it on the kitchen wall! It's a picture of me in my "granny gown" (an old, comfy gown I wear all the time) laying on my back on my son's twin bed about 2 years or so ago. I was pretending to be asleep so, in the picture, I look dead (I know that sounds morbid). But, I know that I don't want to look like that anymore.....alive OR dead! I have pics from my "skinny" days too.............they are inspiring but sometimes overwhelming as well! Thank you for your encouragement and support! I appreciate it! Kandy
on 9/23/05 1:11 pm - Baltimore, MD
Brava, Kandy! Best of luck. Kasey 365/215/195 (nonop)
Jessica D.
on 9/24/05 11:26 am - Edmonds, WA
Hi Kasey, I'd love to know what food plan you're on, you're sure losing that weight!!! I'm on Adkins, so everyone basically knows what I eat. It's working for me: 46 pounds in 3 months. It's a plan I am tweaking so I can work with it for the rest of my life, because I'm not ready regain all this weight AGAIN! I'd love to know your plan. You're a wonderfully successful "loser"! Tell us what your secrets are!! I have no secrets: I'll tell ya anything! Jessica 302/257/175
on 9/24/05 12:12 pm - Baltimore, MD
Thanks for the kind words, Jessica. My plan (or way of living, as I like to call it, because it's a lifelong commitment) is this: Eat less and exercise more. I'm on no particular food plan other than obsessively counting calories (1,500 daily), which I keep track by using fitday.com. It works for me because I'm not willing to give up any one food or food group, and I'm willing to accept responsibility for portion control, meal planning and making appropriate choices. And I maintain a grueling exercise regimen -- one to two hours most days. I had abdominoplasty last month, and it's making me crazy that my surgeon has limited me to walking two miles a day until I'm four weeks out. I can't wait to get back to step aerobics and the elliptical glider, although weightlifting and ab crunches (I normally do 300 each exercise session) will have to wait until at least November, I'm told. I'm glad Atkins is working for you. Forty-six pounds in three months is awesome! Best of luck. Kasey 365/215/195 (nonop)
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/24/05 1:28 pm - Pulaski, TN
Thank you, Kasey! Cheers of encouragement are always appreciated...and welcomed! Kandy
Jessica D.
on 9/24/05 11:21 am - Edmonds, WA
I'm tremendously proud of you, Kandy!!! Honey, it takes a hell of a lot of work to start again. We've all been there; it takes courage and determination to make it through one day--hell, it takes all the energy we can muster up to make it through one minute!! Let's talk about what you WILL DO. Keep the focus positive... I will clean the junk out of my kitchen cabinets... I Will walk one block (or whatever your distance) with my granddaughter in the stroller.. I Will eat ____________, _______,_________ for breakfast, then ________, ________, _______ for lunch, and __________,_________, ________ for dinner. Write it down and focus on it all day. I Will do this one day at a time. I Will consider this day a success if I do my very best to stay within the confines of what I decide is my proper diet. I am not perfect: but I am the best I can be. I Will take this one day at a time. I Will come back to this messageboard, and post daily; just to talk and get some support. Try this Kandy. One day at a time. One minute at a time. One second at a time. Remember, you have a food addict that lives within you; and she's been in control for as long as you can probably remember. Now it's your turn. Trust me, it's been me against my inner addict most of my life. And since June 10, 2005, I've been 1/2 step ahead of my inner addict. It's not easy. She wants me to eat doughnuts, bread, and sugar. But each minute that I don't feed her, she gets weaker--as anyone would. So, except for on a few occasions, I have not fed that addict. She's a hell of a lot weaker today than she was 3 months ago. Jessica makes her food choices, not Jessica's addict. I'll never get ****y; my addict lives within me and I have to carry her around for the rest of my life. But---if I weaken her grip; if I starve her and only give her the foods I know I need to eat, she doesn't have the power or the stregnth to take over my decision making. That will take time; but it can be done. I'm sure of it. Are you ready to conquer Kandy's addict? Jessica
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/24/05 1:25 pm - Pulaski, TN
Jessica, This is the strongest, most compassionate support message I think I've ever received! I am crying now! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and strength and encouragement with me! I was NOT strong today..........the addict won! But, tomorrow is another day..............and I WILL fight her with all that I have! I can't wait until I get thinner.........one day at a time the addict will get less heavy to have to carry! Thank you again! Kandy
Jessica D.
on 9/26/05 7:08 am - Edmonds, WA
Hey there, honey. How goes this never-ending Monday for you? It's a new day, and you're free to make your own choices, and create whatever you want with your life. So what did you decide to do today? How's that evil addict of yours? Mine was a'tappin' on my shoulder leading me toward the chocolate candy in the office. I had three bite sized pieces...then left the building! That the only way I can beat her, sometimes---I remove her completely from the situation. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Write me and let me know how you're doing. Jessica
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