Your stories!
I would love to post my story! I will get back to it when I have a chance to sit and type for a bit! Thanks for sharing yours! How is your recovery going? what (ps) procedures have you had done? I had 2 ps consults this last week but had to cancel due to some other health issues and a over crowded schedule, but I plan to reschedule them soon, did your insureance pay for any of the procedures or were they out of pocket? mine will be out of pocket....
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
What are you hoping to have done?
Total body lift, arms, legs, lbl, breast lift without implants (but with reshaping)..... I am glad you are doing well in your recovery! What area do you live in? I am in So. CA and I know surgeons in this area can be pretty pricey!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

Thanks for the tip! I am pretty close to goal, my goal is not concrete though, and I fluctuate in my weight by 4 or 5 lb's up and down, the last 20 something pounds have been the hardest and slowest to come off, however I continue to lose size. I always carried most of my weight in my hips thighs and butt, at my largest I was wearing a sz 28 in pants today I am wearing a sz 14 in pants, in Shirts I was in a 3xl and today most of my shirts are M or L in dresses before I was in like a 24 and now I am in a 12.... How do your thighs feel? that is where I really need the most work done, however that is where I am dreading recover the most!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
Most of my weight was in my tummy and thighs. I was well distributed actually and often heard "you can't weigh that much!" But I did. My arms are loose as well but I am not ready to live with the scars. I get a lot of compliments on how toned they are but boy do the flap when I am brushing my teeth! I could probably use some work in the back but I hope what I have had done resolved some of extra skin that migrated back there.
My thighs don't feel too awful. Actually so much of the area is suprisingly numb. I am cut from the front of the pubic area, through the groin, and slightly into the butt crease. I was also cut vertically about six inches down....I would not have gone to my knee but that is my own vanity and thankfully he never recommended to the knee but just up high. I think my lift chair has helped since it will dump me out. The most painful part has been the drains in the thighs....and sitting on hard (like toilet) surfaces. Those are the butt crese incisions....otherwise I feel pretty groovy painwise. The emotional roller coaster is still running wild though....
I have also gotten the "you don't look like you weigh that much" from others my whole life! And in all honesty I think that is true, I am larger boned and muscular as well, on my dad's side of the family obesity runs ramped! I am tall too at 5" 8" and I am solid! When I weighed about 240 lb's my best friend was shocked when I told her I weighed that much, she said she would have guessed about 175ish.... now I weigh a little over 200 and I really don't know what I look like I weigh?? The PS I am wanting to work with says he would like his patients to be about 20 lb's away from goal because that gives him more to work with, he takes excess haning fat from other areas and uses it to reshape the butt and breasts! I looked at your pic's, you look great! Congrats to you! Do you think you will be putting any before and afters of your PS? I plan to do that myself (and set it to private so only those I give a password to can see them). Honestly my arms bother me so much, I think that is one of the very first things I will have done, I know it is not an ideal situation but I would rather hide the scars then hide the flab, I am very self conscious about raising my arms in front of people or wearing tank tops without a sweater over it etc... I think I will add my story today, just need to get some stuff done around the house first!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
I know there is a way to set them to private and give out the password only to those you want to allow to see them, I plan to do that and only give the password out to women, but I have found it very helpful to see others before and afters as I prepare for my own reconstructive surgeries!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach