Advice for a severely overwight man trying to lose weight
Hi, my name is John. My girlfriend and I have decided to start dieting and xcercising to lose weight. She is nowhere near my size and most questions concerning her are easy to answer. I, however, am largely overweight.
The last time I was weighed was over a year ago and back then, I was 425. I have probably gotten heavier since. We bought a scale but it only goes up to 400. The one at the YMCA only goes up to 350. Short of paying a doctor, I seem to have no other options as how to find out my weight. Does anyone know of any way other than the bathtub trick to do so?
What are some recommended excercises or warm-ups for someone my size? I got a membership to the local YMCA and they have a weight room and a fitness room plus a pool. What are some recommended excercises?
The whole problem with the doctor is that I do not have my own doctor. I do not have any insurance and I already owe the hospital thousands of dollars. I make minimum wage at 25 hours a week. I barely make enough to survive off of, let alone enough to pay a doctor.
As a sample of what I have been doing...
We decided this on Wednesday of last week. We officialy started it yesterday but Sunday, I started a routine with a game given to me. It is the UFC trainer game. I know, it's probably stupid example but I was able to do some excercises from that. Granted, two days later I am sore but I managed to do most of the beginner activities (For about 1 1/2 hours). Yesterday, we went swimming and I did some minor water excercises and felt fine afterwards.
Any other opinions or suggestions are very welcomed. This is gonna be hard and I have been researching like crazy but it seems like there is nothing for people at my weight. I could really use some expertise on the subject.
The last time I was weighed was over a year ago and back then, I was 425. I have probably gotten heavier since. We bought a scale but it only goes up to 400. The one at the YMCA only goes up to 350. Short of paying a doctor, I seem to have no other options as how to find out my weight. Does anyone know of any way other than the bathtub trick to do so?
What are some recommended excercises or warm-ups for someone my size? I got a membership to the local YMCA and they have a weight room and a fitness room plus a pool. What are some recommended excercises?
The whole problem with the doctor is that I do not have my own doctor. I do not have any insurance and I already owe the hospital thousands of dollars. I make minimum wage at 25 hours a week. I barely make enough to survive off of, let alone enough to pay a doctor.
As a sample of what I have been doing...
We decided this on Wednesday of last week. We officialy started it yesterday but Sunday, I started a routine with a game given to me. It is the UFC trainer game. I know, it's probably stupid example but I was able to do some excercises from that. Granted, two days later I am sore but I managed to do most of the beginner activities (For about 1 1/2 hours). Yesterday, we went swimming and I did some minor water excercises and felt fine afterwards.
Any other opinions or suggestions are very welcomed. This is gonna be hard and I have been researching like crazy but it seems like there is nothing for people at my weight. I could really use some expertise on the subject.
First off I want to congratulate you on your decision to have a better life! As far as how to weigh yourself I don't have any answer for that besides a Dr.s scale, I do know that many Dr.'s will allow you to come in and weigh even if you are not there for an appt though, you may want to try this if you already have a Dr. that is your regular primary care physician.
I think water exercise is great for someone of a larger stature becasue there is no impact on the joints and water exercise burns a lot of calories because it involves total body movement, other then this I would recomend just moving your body, take extra steps when ever you can, but no need to be a crazy man when it comes to exercise, just move your body everyday! As you get lighter and lighter you will be able to add more rigorous exercises to your routine, for now I think that the water is a great place to start!
I currently am in school to become certified as a holistic health coach ( I will start working with clients this Nov) and hope to one day open a health and wellness center specializing in weight loss, through detox and healthy living, I personally have released 115 lb's through nutrition and exercise (and still going), at my heaviest I weighed 322 lb's.
One last word for you is to try and focus on eating healthy and not losing the weight, eat more fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains, stay away from packaged diet food's and try and stick to food that comes from nature, if you start to nourish your body with these foods the toxic fat will release, I have seen it happen in my own life and the lives of many other's on this same journey, ditch the "diet" mentality and embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Blessings to you and your girlfriend as you embrace this new life!
Good luck!
I think water exercise is great for someone of a larger stature becasue there is no impact on the joints and water exercise burns a lot of calories because it involves total body movement, other then this I would recomend just moving your body, take extra steps when ever you can, but no need to be a crazy man when it comes to exercise, just move your body everyday! As you get lighter and lighter you will be able to add more rigorous exercises to your routine, for now I think that the water is a great place to start!
I currently am in school to become certified as a holistic health coach ( I will start working with clients this Nov) and hope to one day open a health and wellness center specializing in weight loss, through detox and healthy living, I personally have released 115 lb's through nutrition and exercise (and still going), at my heaviest I weighed 322 lb's.
One last word for you is to try and focus on eating healthy and not losing the weight, eat more fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains, stay away from packaged diet food's and try and stick to food that comes from nature, if you start to nourish your body with these foods the toxic fat will release, I have seen it happen in my own life and the lives of many other's on this same journey, ditch the "diet" mentality and embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Blessings to you and your girlfriend as you embrace this new life!
Good luck!

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
Hi John... hooray for youz guyz getting into your do! I wish you much success and good health!
Can I say one thing up front?
Whether you are 400 lbs or 140 lbs, don't expect to begin any serious regime without at least SOME discomfort... so... keep it low impact for now. Water = excellent. Walking = excellent. You have a membership, so get on a treadmill and sweat your arse off (literally). Take it slow, grasshopper! One must crawl before walking and walk before running. You'll know when it's time to pick up the pace.
From my reading and personal experience I can honestly say that weight loss is 90% diet. The word
"diet" here does not mean "deprivation" either. It simply means a style of eating. I go low carb... as close to zero as possible at all times. My reason is that through this I have been able to ditch insulin which of course pushed my weight loss. No, I'm not talking 20 lbs. The first 100 lbs FELL off of me eating this way. After the first.. oooh.. 70 or so, I got a membership to the gym. At 330, I wasn't walking very well... at 260 (when I began), I still wasn't breathing very well but man I wanted it. I didn't care who was looking and commenting on my huffing and puffing, I just kept banging away on that treadmill until I was able to walk up hill and at a good, strong pace for an hour.
I don't exercise for my weight. I exercise for my heart and lungs. I lift weights for other vain reasons though ;). (C'mon.. we'll admit it.. it's not ALL about health).
What worries me is your lack of proper healthcare. Is there a clinic that works on a sliding scale basis near you? The reason I ask is that you really should have your heart/lungs checked so you know where you stand and what you are capable of. Where's your blood sugar? Liver? Kidney function?
Ok... so I ignored my own advice and ditched the insulin AMA, but I was at a crossroads. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired so one day my day began with a simple prayer. I'd thrown away the insulin and asked God to either take this out of me or take me and get it over with. Laying on the couch waiting to die was NOT what I called a "quality" life. That is a stupid move for someone who wants to live... it just so happened that my body reacted violently to the change... I was lucky. I pissed my doctor off but at the same time pleasantly surprised him.
What I will say is that no matter what the doctor says, it's YOUR BODY. You can be the only one who best determines how to care for it, but a doctor can help you determine how far you can go safely.
I wish both of you all the best in your journey! No one knows the freedom of being active and healthy more than a person who has suffered under the burden of obesity. I found that freedom as well as many of us around here... and we want you here with us!
God be with you!
Can I say one thing up front?
Whether you are 400 lbs or 140 lbs, don't expect to begin any serious regime without at least SOME discomfort... so... keep it low impact for now. Water = excellent. Walking = excellent. You have a membership, so get on a treadmill and sweat your arse off (literally). Take it slow, grasshopper! One must crawl before walking and walk before running. You'll know when it's time to pick up the pace.
From my reading and personal experience I can honestly say that weight loss is 90% diet. The word
"diet" here does not mean "deprivation" either. It simply means a style of eating. I go low carb... as close to zero as possible at all times. My reason is that through this I have been able to ditch insulin which of course pushed my weight loss. No, I'm not talking 20 lbs. The first 100 lbs FELL off of me eating this way. After the first.. oooh.. 70 or so, I got a membership to the gym. At 330, I wasn't walking very well... at 260 (when I began), I still wasn't breathing very well but man I wanted it. I didn't care who was looking and commenting on my huffing and puffing, I just kept banging away on that treadmill until I was able to walk up hill and at a good, strong pace for an hour.
I don't exercise for my weight. I exercise for my heart and lungs. I lift weights for other vain reasons though ;). (C'mon.. we'll admit it.. it's not ALL about health).
What worries me is your lack of proper healthcare. Is there a clinic that works on a sliding scale basis near you? The reason I ask is that you really should have your heart/lungs checked so you know where you stand and what you are capable of. Where's your blood sugar? Liver? Kidney function?
Ok... so I ignored my own advice and ditched the insulin AMA, but I was at a crossroads. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired so one day my day began with a simple prayer. I'd thrown away the insulin and asked God to either take this out of me or take me and get it over with. Laying on the couch waiting to die was NOT what I called a "quality" life. That is a stupid move for someone who wants to live... it just so happened that my body reacted violently to the change... I was lucky. I pissed my doctor off but at the same time pleasantly surprised him.
What I will say is that no matter what the doctor says, it's YOUR BODY. You can be the only one who best determines how to care for it, but a doctor can help you determine how far you can go safely.
I wish both of you all the best in your journey! No one knows the freedom of being active and healthy more than a person who has suffered under the burden of obesity. I found that freedom as well as many of us around here... and we want you here with us!
God be with you!
Hey guys,
Thanks for the replies.
Unfortunately around me is nowhere that I can afford as far as healthcare.
After a lot of the advice I have been given, I started excercising Monday. I started out on the treadmill (5 Min @ 2MPH, 5 Min @ 2.5MPH, and 5 Min @ 3MPH). I did it fine and I sweated my butt off. Then I proceeded to do some weight lifting (assisted weight machines) and managed to do pretty well on those. After the weights, I did another round of Treadmill and was done for the first day.
The rest of the days were similar except for Friday, which we called out light workout day. We also added swimming on M,W,F.
I truly think the hardest part now is the dieting. I'm really enjoying the working out (I may be a big person but I have always loved being active) but the dieiting is what is the tough part. For example, I know it sounds stupid but I am addicted to Mt. Dew. I have drank it my entire life and up til this diet started, I drank at least 3-4 two liters a week. I'm trying to limit myself to 1-20 ounce a week and even that is tough.
We have gone online to look for healtheir recipes and we have started eating some of those. Problem is that a lot of these recipes cost us more than the food we usualy eat. Our normal food budget for a week is usually about 30-40 dollars but after this week, it was 75. So we gotta figure out a way of eating healthy for way less. This only included Dinner. No lunches or breakfasts which I know we are supposed to be eating.
Thanks for the replies.
Unfortunately around me is nowhere that I can afford as far as healthcare.
After a lot of the advice I have been given, I started excercising Monday. I started out on the treadmill (5 Min @ 2MPH, 5 Min @ 2.5MPH, and 5 Min @ 3MPH). I did it fine and I sweated my butt off. Then I proceeded to do some weight lifting (assisted weight machines) and managed to do pretty well on those. After the weights, I did another round of Treadmill and was done for the first day.
The rest of the days were similar except for Friday, which we called out light workout day. We also added swimming on M,W,F.
I truly think the hardest part now is the dieting. I'm really enjoying the working out (I may be a big person but I have always loved being active) but the dieiting is what is the tough part. For example, I know it sounds stupid but I am addicted to Mt. Dew. I have drank it my entire life and up til this diet started, I drank at least 3-4 two liters a week. I'm trying to limit myself to 1-20 ounce a week and even that is tough.
We have gone online to look for healtheir recipes and we have started eating some of those. Problem is that a lot of these recipes cost us more than the food we usualy eat. Our normal food budget for a week is usually about 30-40 dollars but after this week, it was 75. So we gotta figure out a way of eating healthy for way less. This only included Dinner. No lunches or breakfasts which I know we are supposed to be eating.