Great Documentary!
Have any of you seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead? I jus****ched it a few days ago and thought that it had a really great message about the power of healthy natural foods and their effect on our bodies. Really inspiring, check out the trailer!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
Awesome documentary! I got a bunch more info after watching that show on Dr. Fuhrman and his diet plan which makes some real sense. You can get more information at .
I am going to a surgical center for weight loss on Wednesday and the surgeon also offers liquid diet options (standard optifast/medifast) which I am considering. I was going to ask about using some of the recipes from Dr. Fuhrman's books.
By the way - I bought a juicer after watching that show and have only used it once! Sure hope I don't need to have surgery to get this done!
I am going to a surgical center for weight loss on Wednesday and the surgeon also offers liquid diet options (standard optifast/medifast) which I am considering. I was going to ask about using some of the recipes from Dr. Fuhrman's books.
By the way - I bought a juicer after watching that show and have only used it once! Sure hope I don't need to have surgery to get this done!
thanks for the website, i will be sure to check it out! i am always on the look out for good natural resources! I did a 6 day juice fast after watching the documentary and plan to do another one soon!
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
I checked out his website. Looks pretty good, I think i am going to get his book, Eat to live, it is cheaper on amazon though, do you have any of his books?
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
I should be getting the "eat to live" book today my mom ordered it from Amazon for me so my daughter and I could do it together (she is only 10 but she gets cronic headaches) Im so excited to get started, I have a feeling though it wont be too too much different then the way we already eat, but I need the structure, I have let sweets become a daily habit again

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach