Best feeling ever

on 7/1/11 3:14 am - MD
 Since 12/22/10 till today 07/01/11 i have lost 58 lbs. Last night i noticed my only pair of shorts were falling off anytime i moved i was lossing weight, but i thought it was 4lbs here and there. But I weight in this morning and since my last weight in on 06/20/11 i was 312 i weighed 297 this morning. So I guess my platue is over? None of my normal clothes fit so I went to things my friends who are smaller gave me and shockingly enough some of the things fit.

How do I keep this up? I am 102lbs away from my goal.
on 7/2/11 9:52 am - Greenville, NC
First off CONGRATS to YOU for losing 58 pounds in about six months!! Give yourself a big pat on the back for that!

Can I ask you to tell us a little bit about what you did to lose those 58 pounds? Were you on a program, etc?

To answer your question- Just keep doing what you are doing PLUS add more intensity to the program you are following or have created for yourself.

For example, continue to eat healthy foods but cut back a little bit more. Not a ton but just a little. Try cutting out a extra 100 calories per day for example.

Are you working out at this stage? I know that when I started out at 285 pounds I could not workout. I was just too big and out of shape. I had to lose a few pounds before I could walk down the street. If you are working out then UP your program. Try and go an extra 10 minutes per day of exercise.

The point I'm making is that you are WAY smaller now than you were last year. Your body loves that you are putting it into a healthier phase, but you must increase your intensity now. Say you were walking 15 minutes per day last year. Back then you were burning lots more calories. Now that you are smaller you will not burn the same amount of calories by walking the same 15 minutes. Also, your body will require less food intake the smaller you get. That's why cutting just a little bit of your food intake will keep your body in the weight loss mode.

The last thing and really important thing I would suggest is keep a support network around you. Call a friend and be totally honest about your process. Put someone in your life that you can get these feeling out of your head. If you don't have someone IRL keep using these online forums because WE ALL GET IT!

I'm proud of you girly!!!
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 7/4/11 7:30 am - MD
 Well I really haven't done, much... I just have been really sleepy and slept alot, I don't eat if I am not hungry and if I feel like I want to eat for no reason I have a glass of water. 

I don't excercise, cause right now everytime I move I am in so much pain, When i sit my rear end hurts, i used to have a huge butt... for some reasome certian areas of my body seem to be smaller and when i sit and lay down they hurt. and when i walk and stand my back feels very weak. so the only exercise I get right now its going and lazily kicking around the pool with my daughter and husband. Other than that I lay on the couch and in my bed cause it hurts to go up and down stairs and move.

Recently I went to the doctor and they said i had a PH balance problem in my stomach preventing me to diguest food, medication and it would sit there and rott, so now I have to be careful when I eat and what I eat. So I just am very picky what I eat... lots of greans very little dairy and mostly soys. No sugars at all in the house cause my daughters a 4 yr old diabetic... and its not fair and kinda tiring to explain things daily why she cant have this and that.
on 7/5/11 6:52 am - Greenville, NC
Let me just ask you about your movement. Are you able to move more now that you are down 58 pounds?

I read a book recently and it talked about people like you that can't really do much traditional exercise at the very beginning of their weight loss journey. One thing I remember it saying is to clean your house every day. Do the laundry everyday. Mop, sweep, change the sheets on a bed, vacuum, etc. House work is physical movement. You don't have to pay money to do it. And you don't have to feel like people are watching you, like if you went to a gym or the park.

And I just really feel for you. I was in your same shoes. When I was 285 I couldn't hardly do anything. I remember we lived in the state of CT at the time. My husband and I took a few trips that year. Boston, NYC, and Niagara Falls. I remember being in Niagara Falls so clearly and my back and feet just killed me. I couldn't enjoy anything about the trip. We once went to NYC and had to turn around and go right back to CT because I got so sick from overeating at lunch. I was so embarrassed.

And just a little side note. My back still hurts from time to time. Not as bad, but even at 232 pounds I have pain when I workout. I hate that I hurt but in the long run it's really helping me. I hope we both get to a point where we don't have to hurt!!
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 7/6/11 12:44 am - MD
on 7/6/11 12:47 am - MD
 I am able to move, but it hurts... i go to the pool to exercise cause its less pain. But i have constant pain all day.

This morning I step'd on my scale (mind you my eating habbits don't change, I don't binge eat or anything, I eat normal cause that way there is nothing to lie to myself or others about and it makes my weightloss journey easier)... the scale read back to me 312!! the weight i just lost was back!!! was it a mistake when it reas 297? or did i actually gain back 15lbs in 4-5 days?
on 7/6/11 9:45 am - Greenville, NC
On July 6, 2011 at 7:47 AM Pacific Time, mrshelgeson wrote:
 I am able to move, but it hurts... i go to the pool to exercise cause its less pain. But i have constant pain all day.

This morning I step'd on my scale (mind you my eating habbits don't change, I don't binge eat or anything, I eat normal cause that way there is nothing to lie to myself or others about and it makes my weightloss journey easier)... the scale read back to me 312!! the weight i just lost was back!!! was it a mistake when it reas 297? or did i actually gain back 15lbs in 4-5 days?
I'm really sorry you are having so much pain. A lot of people have to deal with the same thing and sometimes worse. Whatever you decide to do for move movement in your life, just be safe. Don't over do it. And at the same time I would just encourage you to put up with it and keep going. I'm sitting here right now with back pain as I type. But it's more important to me to type this message of support to you than it is for me to go lay on my couch! KWIM? Part of this is a mental game we have to play with ourselves.

I think it's totally possible to gain back 10 pounds in a few days. I was in the upper 230's and went out of town for 2.5 days and gained 5 pounds. 5 pounds in 2.5 days!! Is this your cycle time? I always put on about 5+ pounds once a month. It takes my body about 5 days to release that extra water weight. I know that when I was heavier that I put on about 7-8 pounds of WW per month and held onto it for the same 5 days. Do you think that could be the issue?
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 7/6/11 10:20 pm - MD
 I haven't thought about it being my time of the month because I have a IUD and I don't get normal "cycles" but I get the symptoms. Explains the acne  and back pain more than normal, pissy mood and fuss over my bad hair. I think I need to go ge****er retention herbs, when I took those they helped when I was losing weight the first time around and also helped with that time of the month. I am hoping that it is just something hormonal, cause it would suck that it all came back.
on 7/15/11 9:28 pm - indianapolis, IN
 yeah for the weightloss! water weight can cause that much gain in a few days, are you bloated? I agree with pushing yourself a little more every day, i know it hurts, and believe me I hate that we have platues! but push a little every day and it will get easier. 
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