Looks like I'm back to non-surgical weight loss...

Future Legend
on 6/25/11 2:01 am - SC
Hey folks..

Ok.. I was on a roll.   I was on my 5th month of the 6 month medically supervised diet - and just about quit from cigs.  Did just about all of the requirements - just two appts to go before scheduling, and I messed it up.  First, I was taking chantix.. between that and pretzels I gained about 6 lbs.  (The surgeon said it didn't matter.. .that it was more important to quit smoking than to maintain my weight).  The doctor didn't feel that way apparently.

The surgeon required an endoscopy and scheduled it for the same day I scheduled a blood test for the doctor doing the 6 month thing.  Ok.. no biggie I figured - I can go for the blood test as soon as I'm done because I can't eat or drink anything for the endoscopy anyway.  It turns out I was in the hospital about 8 hours for the endoscopy because the surgeon had an emergency - and the test folks got pushed back (very understandable).  Needless to say, my 5 minute procedure kept me there until about 2:30 in the afternoon.  By that time, my throat was so darned dry (nevermind being hungry.... that I can live with), so I just rescheduled the blood test for the following Friday.  The day before was my 5th appt with the MD. 

OH LORD - he went OFF on me.... I mean.. he yelled so loud that the nurses felt badly for me.  He yelled that I was non-compliant and he would NEVER approve WLS.   I was thinking in my head,.. what's the big deal, I'll get my a1c  done tomorrow (Friday) as planned.  He wouldn't let me get a word in... he was pissed that I gained 6 lbs.. pissed that I missed the blood test appt.. and that was that.  He even told them to refund my money for the visit.  I was ... aghast.

I've heard of fat hating doctors before,... but this was rediculous.

That afternoon I was supposed to attend the surgeon's 3 hour support thingie.... but I didn't bother since the other doctor yelled he wouldn't approve me anyway. 

I picked up a carton of cigs... and went back to no carb.  It's Saturday.... and I'm down 7 lbs since that thursday morning visit.

I guess I gotta go back to the roller coaster, and that will be it for me for the rest of my life.

I started up at 330.. got down to 200 - kept that off for a while.

Got myself a WONDERFUL man, and got so happy I ate 30 or 40 lbs back on.. lol  (he IS adorable though).

Thursday I was 242
This morning I am 235.4

I get pain pills refilled on Tuesday... so I'll be back to the gym - but they did find a hernia they were going to fix wh ile doing the wls - that's out, so I just won't lift weights.

I'm taking prayers where ever I can get 'em!  LOL  This has truly been VERY emotional.  I've been trying soooooooo hard to fulfill all of the requirements for the wls while still keeping up with my other obligations,... so this is kind of disappointing.  I will also do my best to find a fatty friendly doctor in the area - this one obviously is just disgusted by me.

Be blessed!
on 6/26/11 10:23 pm - indianapolis, IN
welcome back to this side of weightloss, hopefully you will be able to work it off to spite your DR! I am sorry to hear that you were treated so badly, i would have never taken that from a DR that I was PAYING to see me! wow is all I can say! you have my prayers.

Future Legend
on 6/26/11 10:43 pm - SC
A lot of people say that "I wouldn't have taken that"...

When you're IN it.. and it's going on.. how do you NOT take it?  I guess I could have hauled off and punched him in the face - which would have landed me in jail - or at least in court being sued for breaking his jaw (never mess with a woman who is pissed
AND experiencing pms) - since he was telling me to get out of his sight basically - the only thing I could do was... get the hell out of there. 

PS... he told them to refund my money, so I guess he felt this gave him the right to treat me less than human.

Yanno... I was also on Relaphlen for a rotator cuff that went nuts on me (was on it for 3 weeks before I saw him)... I looked it up and saw that both CHANTIX AND Relaphlen causes weight gain....  I had a double whammy!   All I know is I stopped both, and weight is coming back off, but I was hoping for a more permanent solution so I don't have to sleep, eat, breath and potty DIET - 24/7... 7 days a week.. ah well..

thank you for your response!  :)

on 7/13/11 2:09 am - indianapolis, IN
 not that this is much consolation... but after surgery its still eat, sleep breath and potty diet, 24/7 for life, you dont stop thinking about your protien intake after youve hit maintenence, you dont stop thinking about if youve had enough calories... I have a frineds wife who had the surgery b/c she was tired of "dieting" now shes says shes a living diet....
as far as your DR situation, I guess your right, I would have probably would have just hung my head in shame and walked out, its easier to say what we WOULD do if it were us when we have time to think about the situation. 
good luck I hope you are doing well!
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