Can I please...

on 5/3/11 4:29 am - Greenville, NC
Can I please just lose one pound? PLEASE!!! I was up 2-3 pounds post Easter eat-a-thon and I'm back down to 250. I just want to be in the 240's SO Freak Frackin BAD!!!

Ok. I think I got that out of my system. KWIM?
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 5/3/11 11:31 am
You CAN do it and you WILL do it   - I was bad on my birthday last month so it took me a few days to get back on track.  Do you log your meals?  I've found that to be very helpful.  I also set a "goal" time now of when I have to be done eating for the day.  I can still drink water but that's it.  Sometimes it's hard to do between work and family but I've found it stops the late night munchies and I feel better in the morning.  
on 5/3/11 11:51 am - Greenville, NC
Yeah I'm doing all that. I log on I think my body has a mind of it's own right now. Hubby says I look smaller. I wonder if my workouts are adding some extra tone weight. One thing I do want change is get more sleep.
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 5/4/11 1:45 am - Greenville, NC
I guess those prayer worked! I'm down 2 pounds today! Thank God!!
on 5/4/11 11:16 am
Hooray!!!!  Great job!
on 5/4/11 11:45 pm - Greenville, NC
Thank you! I weighed in and I'm still down two pounds!! It feels great.
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
on 5/5/11 2:04 am, edited 5/5/11 2:05 am - san bernardino, CA
so great! I feel like I dont want to weigh in this saturday, have not done too great on my eathing, exercise has been good, and eating not terrible 
(but not great!) but I dont feel like I have released any more weight so I may stay away from the scale a while longer!  

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

on 5/9/11 12:07 pm
Good for you! Sometimes we just have to deal with those plateaus, right?

on 5/10/11 1:49 am - san bernardino, CA
yes and I have hit a lot of those in this journey! my body has never been one to consistantly loose weight, I seem to lose a lot all at once then sit there for a while, (somethimes a long while) and then drop a lot at once again, that is pretty much how this has been for me the whole time, I would love to consistantly lose a certain amount per week or even per month, but that has just not been how its gone for me, I figure once I get there, to my goal that this is, it wont really matter how it came off or how how long it it took, just that I made it there! 

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

on 5/10/11 7:46 am
You're doing a great job, and are an inspiration. Even if you do go weeks or months at a time without a loss, you've still made huge strides. I can't wait until I'm down to where you are.

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