It's Thursday, which means its almost Friday!!

on 4/21/11 2:39 am - san bernardino, CA
We are getting close to the end of the week, how is everyone doing? any big Easter plans? I have been doing a carb deplete plan this week, from mon thru fri so far so good, I am doing this to help get past a plateau or sticking point on the scale, come this weekend I plan to add some good complex carbs back into my daily food options, not that I have not been eating any carbs this week, but just keeping them at a minimum. So For Easter we plan to do to church and then come home to do an egg hunt with the kids in the back yard, we plan to make some treats but I want to keep that at a minimum, the kids will get enough sugar as it is with their baskets. Gonna cook a good lunch too, still have to plan that, we dont eat pork any longer so the Easter ham is no longer an otion, I was thinking maybe even BBQ some chicken breasts and make a big salad, any way, those are our plans for the Easter weekend, how about you?   

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

on 4/21/11 2:33 pm - Greenville, NC
I've been having a wonderful week up until about a hour ago. There is this left over birthday cake (for my husband) that's been hanging around. He has some at night and then puts it in the freezer. I hate myself for eating some tonight. I didn't even have enough for one piece but I'm still MAD at myself for that. I was at 250.0 today and was hoping to see the 240's this weekend. I walked this morning and did a yoga class tonight. Maybe that will help.

We are going to SC tomorrow and I might not be checking in that much until Monday. I really hope to keep my eating down while we are gone. Any change in my routine is hard, but I've got to be good to myself. And eating right is a way of being good to myself. I've just got to remember that! Have a blessed weekend everyone.
285/204/199 starting/current/goal weight
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