Saturday weigh-in 8-7-10

on 8/7/10 3:38 am
Another beautiful day in Northern California, but unfortunately we're stuck at home with sick children :(   My poor 8 year old daughter who broke her arm 2 weeks ago has it the worst.  High fever, coughing, etc.  Of course, she has asthma so everything hits her worse.  Oh well, life goes on, and everyone is resting.  I thought the weigh-in would be terrible today because I've basically done nothing this week except sit with sick kids on my lap and eat!  I did get to both clogging classes though - thanks hubby!  So that's about 4 hours of exercise.  This week will be lots of practice because we have a performance on Saturday at our county fair.  Gotta get those dances down!! Okay, here goes - YEAH! I was down 1.5 lbs today!  250.5.  I'm determined to get down under 250 within 2 weeks (give myself extra time because I know I'm going to have a famous cinnamon roll at the fair).  Now I've gotta figure out how to change the ticker on my signature.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Blessings, Stacy
Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6         Stacy in CA
on 8/7/10 3:49 am - san bernardino, CA
 Good job on the 1.5 lb loss! hope your kiddo's are feeling better soon! 

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

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