Make it a Habit.

Molly S.
on 7/8/10 12:10 am - Chicago, IL
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -- Aristotle

Make It a Habit
Personal improvement, whether it’s weight loss or fitness, is about creating or losing a habit. It shouldn't be thought of as a short-term event. People diet until they lose 20 pounds, and then stop the smart eating and exercise strategies that got them there. Once they reach their goal, they go back to the way they lived before and wonder why the weight comes back. For permanent change, habits need to stick around for the long run. With repetition and time, a single action will seem habitual. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes part of who you are, and the transformation is complete.

       HW 611  Pre-opW 580   LW 302  GW 238         

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