Do you think like a "fat" person?
(deactivated member)
on 6/8/10 11:49 pm
on 6/8/10 11:49 pm
In addition to my weight loss, my diet has eliminated several co-morbidities that interfered with my ability to move and do regular activities - and I've been feeling normal for many months now.
You would think that along with the physical changes, that there would be mental changes too - and there have been. But every once and a while I realize that something I was thinking was "fat thinking" left over from when I was super morbidly obese and it shocks me when it happens.
For example, when we went to the Arts festival we had to drive around to find parking. There wasn't much available on the streets and we ended up parking in a $10. DH is superb at finding fabulous parking spots but it just wasn't his day - the whole time I was thinking how I wanted to park close to the entrance and it didn't matter what it costs because I didn't want to wear myself out just walking to the festival. What I forgot is that it doesn't matter anymore where we park, I can walk for miles and miles without getting tired and in fact extra walking is good exercise. I wonder when my brain will catch up with the new reality of me.
The trouble with "fat thinking" is that it acts to help keep you fat - things like trying to limit how much you have to move or walk while doing simple every day stuff like walking into work, shopping for groceries etc. all add up to less calories burned, less muscle and bone being built etc. It's defeating us before we even start.
Do you have "fat thinking" - how can we change to "healthy thinking".
You would think that along with the physical changes, that there would be mental changes too - and there have been. But every once and a while I realize that something I was thinking was "fat thinking" left over from when I was super morbidly obese and it shocks me when it happens.
For example, when we went to the Arts festival we had to drive around to find parking. There wasn't much available on the streets and we ended up parking in a $10. DH is superb at finding fabulous parking spots but it just wasn't his day - the whole time I was thinking how I wanted to park close to the entrance and it didn't matter what it costs because I didn't want to wear myself out just walking to the festival. What I forgot is that it doesn't matter anymore where we park, I can walk for miles and miles without getting tired and in fact extra walking is good exercise. I wonder when my brain will catch up with the new reality of me.
The trouble with "fat thinking" is that it acts to help keep you fat - things like trying to limit how much you have to move or walk while doing simple every day stuff like walking into work, shopping for groceries etc. all add up to less calories burned, less muscle and bone being built etc. It's defeating us before we even start.
Do you have "fat thinking" - how can we change to "healthy thinking".
This is good Skylar, I read your other post too about the festival from last year to this year, congratulations on a job well done!
I am doing a lot of work on my thinking right now, I will be 32 years old this fall and I realized that I have carried this "fat girl" image for a Loooooong time, so much internal dialog and memories to go over, deal with and release. Setting the stage, and building the proper foundation for new and positive experience and mental outlook are not always easy, especially if you have believed something about yourself for a long time. My brain has not fully caught up to where I am at now physically speaking. I will see a picture of myself and think, thats not me, I still expect to cringe when I see a photo of myself, and I dont do that any longer. I also am breaking the mold of limitations I have put on myself, like the being able to run thing. I actually ran (not fast) for 7 whole minutes this morning on the treadmill! that was something I could not do for a long time, ever really! This is new territory, it's unfamiliar, and it will take time to explore it all and form those new healthy thoughts and get them grounded, But I thank God for where I am now and what he has brought me from, little by little all that toxic "fat thinking" will melt away, just like the pounds!

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/10 1:00 pm
on 6/10/10 1:00 pm
Yes - fat thinking by a fat girl - just when you think you've dealt with it, they pop back into your head again. I don't know if we can completely get rid of this thinking but it is important not to let it make these terrible bad rules for us - of course you can run - look at how well you're doing.
Here's to new healthy thoughts for all of us.
Here's to new healthy thoughts for all of us.

Interesting topic Skylar. I don't think I have fat thinking at all. Despite my weight I have no anxieties about the typical thing overweight/obese people have. I don't fear walking or activities, I don't fear wearing short sleeves or sleeveless tops- I wear any color w/o regard to how it'll make me look, I don't dread swimsuits- I can even can find a feature or two I like of myself in one. Don't get me wrong- 'fat thoughts' venture into my mind- but not enough for me to alter how I live my life...its usually a passing thought for me.
So I think I'm the polar opposite...I guess I have "skinny thinking". Problem with that is it kept me from realizing just how out of hand my weight was. (denial is a son of a b....). But at least I don't have to reverse my fat thinking...I just have to get my body to catch up with my mind ;-)
So I think I'm the polar opposite...I guess I have "skinny thinking". Problem with that is it kept me from realizing just how out of hand my weight was. (denial is a son of a b....). But at least I don't have to reverse my fat thinking...I just have to get my body to catch up with my mind ;-)