I can't believe it..
on 6/1/10 12:41 pm, edited 6/1/10 12:43 pm
As many of you here know, I never had WLS because I was afraid to have surgery. Well now with all this hanging skin and getting close to goal and after getting some fabulous posts on my recent post - well I've made appointments to see two local plastic surgeons later this month. I am really scared, LOL�and I�haven't even met these guys.
I also checked with my health insurance plan and they will pay for a panni under certain conditions - mine certainly hangs low enough but I'm going to have to show that I�have recurrent skin issues for at least 3 months. That is going to be a bit of a problem because up till now the skin is in good condition. However with the heat and humidity that may change.
Now I'm trying to figure out who the third surgeon to visit will be - each of these consults cost $100 so it's expensive and I�don't want to waste my money.
I'm also going to have to deal with my fear of surgery. I'm thinking of pulling the same trick as Ruth did flying an airplane to get over her fear of flying�- except I�think I'll go into an OR and start to remove people's gallbladder. LOL�Anyone here need their gallbladder removed? � Actually I've been in plenty of operating rooms and even assisted many years ago - part of my fear is fear of the known - knowing all the stuff that can go wrong.
on 6/1/10 10:46 pm, edited 6/1/10 10:48 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I love your analogy about my fear of flying. Here's what I've been telling myself........
I put my life in the hands of my surgeon and his surgery team. I trust him. I know he and his team are very well trained, experts at their craft. And so are the pilots and mechanics taking care of the airplane and my flight. SO for you it's the same. You are going to do some research on each surgeon you are considering so that you are comfortable with their track record. You interview them (that's your consultation) and you must ask for the phone numbers of at least 3 former/current patients who had the same procedures as you are having and ask them lots of questions.... finally listen to your gut! My mom always says "when in doubt throw it out"........so if you are not sure about one surgeon, if you have the slightest doubt about him/her throw 'em out and go with someone else. If something feels right go for it
You will do just fine. I fully understand the nervousness I was much more nervous before my first one and even my second and third procedure but at this point I'm pretty much ok with it (but still get a day or 2 of nerves pre-op).
Anyhow, Let me know if you ever want to talk about it. Early on in my journey I found it helpful to actually talk to people.
I'll be here to virtually hold you hand through the process.

Have a good day!
on 6/2/10 9:01 am
Again thanks so much. I know you're going to be flying very soon and I can't wait to hear that you landed and felt good about it.
Lots of people have surgery anxieties, you are not alone! You always have us to vent or lean on!
on 6/2/10 9:12 am
Good idea - yes, part of my final reward for success in shedding this weight is my plastic surgery. LOL I should have picked a reward that was more fun - but this is investing in my body.
Thanks - it feels good to post these things and get feedback - I find it so helpful. I think some people think it's just easy sailing once you get going on a good diet - but you hit these times which you never expected.
on 6/3/10 5:20 am
I completely changed my lifestyle after I read a book by Dr. T Colin Campbell called The China Study - which was a book I thought was going to be about the contamination problems in modern China, but turned out to be a book about what healthy people around the world eat. LOL From that book I found Dr. John McDougall's books and his website and I found his was the easiest plan for me to follow. Took a lilttle while for DH and I to change our tastebuds around but now it's the only way I want to eat. It's very different from the junk food I used to eat.
I've spent two days already researching these Drs. Surprisingly for many of them there isn't much on line - very different from researching weight loss surgery - when I look at WLS I found tons of stuff but less with plastic surgeons.
on 6/3/10 6:17 am
Have you had any consults as of yet? Did you schedule the third one? Do you have consultation dates? I want to keep up with your skin-shedding-journey!

Excited for you!!!
I've set up two consults for later in the month - DH is away on business so when he gets back I want to make sure he will be available to go with me. These two Drs. are very well known in the community - making the best plastic surgeons lists etc. and have been on national TV - so that's why I knew their names. Bonus points - they both take my insurance.
Finding the third person to meet with is proving to be more of a problem. I went to my health insurance and found out that if I meet certain conditions they will pay for a panni removal. I then went on my health insurance's website and printed out all the plastic surgeons who take my particular health plan - so they will accept insurance payment for the panni part and I'll pay for the rest of the surgeries. Well I was shocked - there was a gazillion plastic surgeons who take my plan? Who knew there were so many in the 10 miles around my zip code? Now I'm working through the list - some only work on children or cancer patients or more basic plastic surgery procedures and not the more involved work that I need thanks to shedding my weight. I've gone on line for two days now looking up each of their names and finding out whatever I can about them on line. surprising, many of them have very little or nothing that comes up with google.
I will post back to let you and everyone else know how it goes. I am afraid of what all of this is going to cost - but it needs to be done.