What are you celebrating and proud of? Weekend Edition

(deactivated member)
on 5/14/10 11:03 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

Anyone out there??
What you been up to?

Slowly but surely I'm healing.  I was up early and did my cardio walk...felt really good!

Today I'm proud I'm not giving up on my hopes to conquer my fear of flying.
I took an on-line course last night and today I'm taking another drastic step......Hypnotherapy.  I've never been a big believer in the process but I'm open to give it a try.  The flying lesson I did the other week did wonders but I'm not quite there yet so I need more help.  Like I said, I'm glad I'm not giving up.  Hopefully it will work for me today....If I come home and book tickets we'll know it worked.

So what about you??? What are celebrating and/or proud of??

I'll check back later to see what everyone has shared...


(deactivated member)
on 5/15/10 5:26 am - Rochester, NY
Let us know where you booked your tickets for....I'm sure you'll do it!!

I just tried on a pair of black jeans that I bought a few months ago hoping they would fit before I went on vacation in April.  Needless to say I couldn't even get them up over my hips.  Well, just tried them on and I'm wearing them out to dinner tonight!  They're a little snug but I'm wearing them anyway cause they make me feel SKINNY!! 
on 5/15/10 5:35 am - san bernardino, CA
 Congrats to everyone on reaching those milestones, big or small they are ALL important! I am proud because I am organizing my house! this is no small feet, but I want to simplify and declutter all area's of my life, this will help all area's and promote health, which of course includes weight loss!
have a great weekend everyone!  
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 1:07 am
Hi everyone.

Ruth, I'm so proud of how you are continuing to work on your fear of flying - I can't wait to hear that you've booked a flight. Keep working at this and you'll find your way through this maze.

Skinny Sherrie - LOL my rule is if I can sit in those jeans or bend over and the zipper doesn't pop - then you're good to wear them. Isn't that a great feeling - to feel good about yourself?

Michelle - oh boy - you're so right - uncluttering your living spaces does affect everything, including health. Good job.

I have several prouds this weekend. First my DD#2 just graduated with her masters degree and the whole family went to the ceremonies. DH and I flew in and made it fun mini vacation as well as celebration. Because of our healthy eating DH and I were more physcially fit so we were able to include more active activities like playing mini golf etc. And DH and I had a wonderful feast meal - and at the end of it, now that I"m back home I was able to weigh myself and I lost a pound - LOL I don't think I've ever lost weight on a trip away from home before. But the best part is that DD#2, who was never obese but was approaching being overweight last year, lost that excess weight and she saved all her old clothes for me that don't fit - and unbelievably some if it I can fit into - a little too tight to wear just yet, but I can get the zippers and buttons closed. I would never have guess I could fit into this stuff. Pretty weird to have hand me downs from you kids - good think I passed on my good taste in clothes LOL.
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 2:23 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
WAHOOO Skylar....vacation and you lost a pound...you are  super star! 
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/10 8:45 pm - Rochester, NY
Wow, Skylar....must feel so good to know you can travel and eat out and still  lose weight!  You've come so far and must be so proud of yourself, as well as your DD's!!

You know I felt so silly after writing that I felt "skinny" in those jeans (at 270lb).  Isn't it strange how our body image is all just a state of mind?

Congratulations on having a whole new wardrobe to work your way into!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 2:04 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It's Sunday and not a day of rest for me... lol

I did a 1 hr bike ride this morning....man it was tough.  I used to do 70-90 mins on high gears and at least 13 miles an hour....now I can't get faster than 10 miles an hour and had to really really push to stay at it longer than 30 mins....(wanted to stop after about 10 mins).  Really shows how quickly we can fall out of shape again.....all this post-op recovery down time has taken a toll on me.  My job is to stick with it and rebuild my endurance.  Hopefully I'll have something better to report in a few day or at least by next weekend.

I'm proud that I did not stop after 10 mins and pushed and pushed myself.  I felt so much better and such satisfaction that I did.  :-)

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 12:52 pm - Miami Lakes, FL
Hi everyone,

At the beginning of this week I rejoined weigh****chers and the gym and I'm happy about it, it feels really good. I started with the eliptical and listening to music but got bored, so I decided to attend an aerobics class, and that was a lot of fun! I would love to pay for another set of weeks after these twelve, which would be something I've never done before!

(deactivated member)
on 5/17/10 8:41 pm - Rochester, NY
Congratulations on joining WW!  I just did that three weeks ago and feel really motivated this time.  It's great you are pairing the exercise with it too....will certainly help you stay on track and feel better!  Good luck to you on your journey.
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/10 12:37 pm - Miami Lakes, FL
Thanks Sherrie

Same too you.  I also feel more motivated this time.  I feel like theres more at stake since I was heading towards surgery.  This is my chance to see if I can really do it.  I went to weigh in for the first time tonight and I hadn't even lost a whole pound, if that (there was a debate amongst the WW leaders, cause I was wearing shoes, yada yada).  Anyways, I pouted and had my mini pity party and am full speed ahead again. Everytime I've restarted healthy habits a good bit usually comes off the first week, I was just surprised thats all. I know I can't get discouraged, just have to keep going!!!
Lets make this week a great one!

Good luck to you too! :-)
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