Sorry........I need to vent!!!!!!!
I just got home a few minutes ago. We live on a small street in a large city where people like to hang out on their porches. My fiancee and I had to walk by a few guys who live next to us (ages 20-21) who obviously had nothing better to do than to hang out on their porch. My fiancee was walking ahead of me because his hands were holding heavy bags of groceries and was in a hurry to put them down on our porch. When I walked by, they started telling eachother, "Look, there's Budha. That right there is Budha." As many of you know, I have had a panniculectomy, as well as have lost over 120lbs. I KNOW I LOOK GOOD!!!! But the funny thing is, my fiancee is very overweight and had a big belly. (due to my panni, I no longer have a belly!) So, why am I Budha, and not my fiancee????? Why was nothing said to him, but I was called names???? This has happened more than once!!!! About 2 years ago, (when I was definately big) my fiancee and I were walking home, and a bunch of guys in a car started shouting "It's the great pumkin!!!!" at me because I was wearing an orange shirt. AGAIN nothing was said to or about my overweight fiancee!!! WHY???????????
Men are such chickens!!!!!!!!!!
That's the only reason why I can figure they would only yell stuff at me and not my man!!!!! Any one else encounter stuff like this where you are with someone else overweight and, yet, YOU are the only one targeted for verbal abuse?

Men are such chickens!!!!!!!!!!
That's the only reason why I can figure they would only yell stuff at me and not my man!!!!! Any one else encounter stuff like this where you are with someone else overweight and, yet, YOU are the only one targeted for verbal abuse?
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
because either a) they are scared of your fiance or b) it's just acceptable when men are overweight but not women and that is a whole other subject that gets me going!! next time you are going to walk past those guys, especially if you're coming from the store, make sure you carry the bag with the tomatos in it and throw one at them!! (that image makes me smile a little. . . .

oh i have had this many many times in my life..u know what shuts them up..walk briskly right up to them and tell them, look here I have lost 120lbs and worked my ass off and have no patience for listening to your shut up and get a job*lol* or u could say to them, calling me Buddha is a compliment seeing as he is considered a God and millions of people worship him, so thank u for the lovely words:-)
every time I have walked up and confronted them they freak out*LOL*..some even apologize and usually as u walk away the really insecure ones will make snide remarks*lol* I have always used my size to my advantage, I am tall, big and very scares some ppl or i am soo overly nice they feel guilty*lol8 after a lifetime in my body I haev learned how to use it to work for me when needed..sometimes confidence alone intimidates ppl..even if u do not feel confident..FAKE IT, ppl never known u could be quivering inside
so just walk that hot bod nice and tall and let it brush off those beautiful shoulders knowing that those lazy boys will have some beer guts in about 5 yrs *lol*
I am going to be 40 yrs old and still get teased about my last name, for real? grown ass ppl still teasing*lol*
every time I have walked up and confronted them they freak out*LOL*..some even apologize and usually as u walk away the really insecure ones will make snide remarks*lol* I have always used my size to my advantage, I am tall, big and very scares some ppl or i am soo overly nice they feel guilty*lol8 after a lifetime in my body I haev learned how to use it to work for me when needed..sometimes confidence alone intimidates ppl..even if u do not feel confident..FAKE IT, ppl never known u could be quivering inside
so just walk that hot bod nice and tall and let it brush off those beautiful shoulders knowing that those lazy boys will have some beer guts in about 5 yrs *lol*
I am going to be 40 yrs old and still get teased about my last name, for real? grown ass ppl still teasing*lol*
started this process back in 2007/2008 denied MGB, denied for Barix, put on hold (BMI was too high for pilot phase)at St.joe's and since moved to Windsor and had to start again, December, 2009 referral sent from GP...April 5 and 8, 2010 1st appt at Windsor clinic with nurse and doc
April 16, 2010 sleep clinic, April 27 echo
May 3,2010 Orientation at Met hospital--,
SURGERY booked Oct.20.2010
April 16, 2010 sleep clinic, April 27 echo
May 3,2010 Orientation at Met hospital--,
SURGERY booked Oct.20.2010

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/10 9:12 am
on 5/8/10 9:12 am
Vent away, it helps to feel better and (((HUGS))) because this is very painful to experience.
Finally, just ignore them completely and don't let anyone see that it hurts you. When people - and it's mostly childish, immature men who do this, it's really not about you but all about them. They feel inferior and to make themselves feel better they try to pick on and make fun of other people who they perceive are weaker than them. This is why they called you out and not your boyfriend. If you ignore them, they won't get their fun and they will move on to someone else. I know it's hard to ignore and to feel hurt, but do it and keep doing it. Hold your head up high.
Mature well adjusted adults don't verbally attack other people. It doesn't have to be about weight, it can be anything - a large nose, limping etc. they just look for a weak point to make a dig. I bet these creeps also have weight problems themselves.
Don't let them get to you, ever, they just aren't worth it.
Finally, just ignore them completely and don't let anyone see that it hurts you. When people - and it's mostly childish, immature men who do this, it's really not about you but all about them. They feel inferior and to make themselves feel better they try to pick on and make fun of other people who they perceive are weaker than them. This is why they called you out and not your boyfriend. If you ignore them, they won't get their fun and they will move on to someone else. I know it's hard to ignore and to feel hurt, but do it and keep doing it. Hold your head up high.
Mature well adjusted adults don't verbally attack other people. It doesn't have to be about weight, it can be anything - a large nose, limping etc. they just look for a weak point to make a dig. I bet these creeps also have weight problems themselves.
Don't let them get to you, ever, they just aren't worth it.