Examine your friendships.

Molly S.
on 4/29/10 9:06 pm - Chicago, IL

Examine your friendships.

Friendships endure when mutual respect and support for each other is the foundation. A healthy friendship tends to stick even as people change. Other friendships cannot survive when people make major life changes. If the relationship was based on shared, self-destructive behavior, like overeating, when the behavior isn't shared anymore, the relationship loses its foundation and crumbles. 

It may be time to let go of an unhealthy friendship. In some instances, it will be painful to lose the relationship. You may feel lonely for a time. In other instances you may just move on, remembering your old friend fondly. You will find new friends; such is the path of life. Have no regrets for moving on to new, healthier relationships.

Action for the day: Today, evaluate your friendships. Are you holding on to people who aren't right for you anymore? Have courage, and if you need to--let go.
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