What are you celebrating and proud of? Weds

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 6:29 am
Wow, getting close to that 200 mark - you need to do something really special. I love your term "carbage"
Molly S.
on 4/28/10 3:14 am - Chicago, IL
I am proud I went to heath club twice this week so far and loving the good workouts I am getting in!  DVDs can't replace a good gym workout!  

       HW 611  Pre-opW 580   LW 302  GW 238         

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 3:29 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good job Molly!!! 
I agree with you, I can't get into the DVD's...I own a bunch and they just sit on a shelf.
Molly S.
on 4/28/10 4:16 am - Chicago, IL
Thanks!  I use my DVD's, but I know that gym workout is better.  Now that I finally made it back to the gym I will use DVD's for lazy days and as a 2nd option if no time to go to gym.  I had not been in over a year and it was just great getting back with old acquaintances, etc. 
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 6:31 am
Molly, I'm so glad to see you're going back to the gym and you'll use the dvd's as a back up plan. that's a great decision.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 6:43 am
LOL is it Wednesday already? I don't know it seemed to have bounced up quickly.

DH messed up breakfast this morning. I cook up a large batches of oatmeal for the fridge then DH puts some into bowls and microwaves it for breakfasts. He forgot to tell me that we didn't have enough, AS we were sitting down for breakfast oops. So I had to scramble around and make a quick but non-traditional breakfast. LOL So I'm proud that we had a good solid breakfast to start the day.

I'll be doing my 5 mile mall walk. Do you know that I've been mall walking since August 2008. That's a long time for me. And up until a year ago, I had to do more sitting and less walking. Now it's all brisk walking and no sitting. And of course so quickly I don't have time to shop.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 7:39 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm so jealous of your daily 5 mile walk.  I can't walk more than 5 mins these days without the legs swelling.     I can't wait till I'm all healed and can get back to normal!

OK- sorry.....I wasn't trying to rain on your parade....you should feel FANTASTIC about doing 5 miles every day.  You are inspiring me and as soon as I get the go ahead I'll be out there trying to keep up with you.  :-)   Keep it going girl!!!!

Oh - and this is why I don't like Matthew to cook......lol........the kitchen is my territory and the garage is his.  :-)
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 12:41 pm - Rochester, NY
Skylar, I do the same thing....cook up a big pot of steel cut oats and then we have them for a few days.  Love my oatmeal with flax seed, cinnamon and fruit on top for breakfast!!
on 4/28/10 6:50 am - san bernardino, CA
 Im proud that I went to the gym, then as a homeschool assignment taught a nutrition class to my kids, all about eating healthy and why, and now we are getting ready to walk to the park and play and then walk back! 

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach http://www.gracioushealth.net

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 7:40 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Awesome.  You are setting a good example for your kids!
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