I'M BACK....to OH board and WW!

(deactivated member)
on 4/27/10 5:24 am - Rochester, NY
I've been missing for a long time....lurking on occasion.  I felt really motivated to see Lori and Christa and Holly back on again.  Have been trying (unsuccessfully) every diet under the sun for the last couple of years and recently motivated by a good friend who is seeing great results with WW.  Of course WW and I have a past history.....first started in 1968 and many, many times since.  I swore I would never join again...but here I am.

To reiterate for those who don't know me....I'm 63, retired nurse and been obese all of my life and morbidly so for the past 25 years or so.  My age and my weight have finally caught up with me and I need a total knee replacement, but my doctor wants me to get down to 200lb before he'll do it.  So my only form of exercise is water aerobics and I've been sporadic at best with that until just recently.

I think where I've failed with WW in the past is using my points for the wrong choices.  This time I'm combining the point system with healthy choices (whole grains, lean protein, fruits and veggies) and hoping (correction, planning) on making my goal!!  I have joined WW once again because I need the accountability of facing that scale every week (with someone besides myself knowing the results).  Have returned to the OH board, as I know this can be a great support system and gives me even greater accountability.....depending on you all to keep me honest.

I've always wanted the "quick fix" (don't we all?) and determined this time to be satisfied with consistent results no matter how slow.  After all, a loss of 1lb/week still equals 50lb less at the end of the year, and who of us wouldn't want to weigh 50lb less?

It's time to eat healthy, get rid of some of these medications I'm on and prolong my life!!!
on 4/27/10 6:00 am, edited 4/27/10 6:03 am - NM
yeah!!  this is the time it will work, i just know it!!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/10 8:38 am - Rochester, NY
Thanks, AB.  Have you joined WW yet?  We can do this journey together.  It's a great way to use portion control and it's a lifestyle change that's really liveable.  This isn't a "diet" that I can lose the weight on and then go back to "normal" eating....I will be eating like this forever.
on 4/27/10 11:54 pm - NM
i will be joing ww next wednesday, there's one leader that i really like and she's on wednesday, but i have to wait until next week because i had already paid the hospital, which maxed out my cc, so now i have to wait until they get the money back to me, or payday, whichever comes first!!    portion control has always been my problem, and because i get to eat real food, that's why i like ww so much.  have you joined yet?  we should post on our weigh in days!!     
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 3:29 am - Rochester, NY
Yes, I joined Monday....so will definitely be posting my results every Monday!  Making that committment ups the accountability factor for me!  I tend to self sabotage after a couple of weeks, so need to stay accountable.
on 4/28/10 4:19 am - NM
yes, i do self sabotage too, that's why i need that accountablility- i also tell everyone i know what my results are, so i want to make sure i don't gain so i don't have to tell anyone!! 
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/10 6:58 am

Hi Sherrie and welcome back. I too was too scared to have WLS and quit in the middle of the process. Boy a lot of people are on WW.

I think you are so wise for looking back and figuring out where you went wrong so this time you can correct your mistakes - yes - don't use those precious points for junk food.

I'm sure if you've been lurking for awhile you have read my posts. You've seen me many times say how just not eating junk food for a couple of weeks and well now it's a year - my taste buds have changed so that food doesn't taste good like I remember and I've lost my cravings for it. we just can't eat that stuff - it's not real food, it doesn't nourish us and only makes us sick and fat. It was hard at first not to eat that stuff, but the longer you don't go near it eventually it won't have that addictive hold over you. Don't keep tempting yourself because that's when we fall off the wagon.

That quick fix WLS comes with a price - and I don't mean just dollar figure -and you still have to make profound and permanent changes in your lifestyle. And you have a very important goal - knee replacement surgery - nothing to sneeze at. I'm glad to see you're doing water aerobics - so I applaud your for starting back and hope you make it a routine.

And please keep us updated on how its going.

(deactivated member)
on 4/27/10 8:42 am - Rochester, NY
I certainly have read your posts and you have been an inspiration.  I think it's so neat that your hubby has also adopted this lifestyle change....makes it just so much easier.  You must feel like a new woman....I'm very excited for you.  I have been trying to incorporate more natural foods and have been staying away from the processed crap.  We do go out to eat a lot, which can be challenging....but I feel I can do that on WW also.

Just got back from a two week vacation and couldn't believe how much I was looking forward to going to my water aerobics class yesterday.  If I'm being consistent with that, it makes it easier to make the healthy food choices....no sense in doing the exercise and then negating its effect with junk food.

Thanks for the encouragement, Skylar.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/10 5:05 am
On April 27, 2010 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Sherrie B. wrote:
I certainly have read your posts and you have been an inspiration.  I think it's so neat that your hubby has also adopted this lifestyle change....makes it just so much easier.  You must feel like a new woman....I'm very excited for you.  I have been trying to incorporate more natural foods and have been staying away from the processed crap.  We do go out to eat a lot, which can be challenging....but I feel I can do that on WW also.

Just got back from a two week vacation and couldn't believe how much I was looking forward to going to my water aerobics class yesterday.  If I'm being consistent with that, it makes it easier to make the healthy food choices....no sense in doing the exercise and then negating its effect with junk food.

Thanks for the encouragement, Skylar.
Hi Sherrie - yes I'm thrilled DH agreed to all the changes I've made - and it's been a lot. Not only do I feel like a new woman, but I've lost a grown man in my weight loss. LOL
on 4/27/10 7:42 am
Way to go, recommitting to a healthy lifestyle change!  I'm excited to watch you succeed...and join you in the adventure!
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