Favorite snack

Christa :]
on 4/20/10 5:13 am - MI
VSG on 03/13/12
So I want to know what is everyones favorite snack to eat while dieting?

I love fruit smoothies, my mother bought me a smoothie maker. My fiance and I make smoothies all of the time with skim milk and frozen fruit or fresh orange juice and frozen fruit. Yum!

Also, frozen grapes. Seriously buy some and freeze them, the kids will love them too!

Celery and peanut butter.

Cucumber with a little bit of salt.

Anyone else want to share? :]



(deactivated member)
on 4/20/10 5:29 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I love peanut butter.........I've never tried PB on celery.........I like it on apples and bananas (and of course on crackers or bread).

We talked about favorite snacks some good suggestions came out....here's a link to the thread.  www.obesityhelp.com/forums/non_postops/4153852/Favorite-Heal thy-Snacks/
Stacey E.
on 4/20/10 10:55 am
boiled eggs
jerky-just check ingredients..we usually make our own out of deer
half apple with organic Peanut butter
half apple in alittle water ..put in microwave..warm it up..and then add cinnamon on top of it!
light string cheese
raw almonds
strawberries with stevia sugar..just alittle

on 4/20/10 2:15 pm
I'm addicted to salad....I fix a big one and eat on it all day long.  This from someone who never ate a vegetable in her life unless it was corn or potatoes.

(deactivated member)
on 4/20/10 10:54 pm
I find I really love organic carrots simply peeled - I like the crunchiness and sweetness of a raw carrot. And as I posted on the last snack post - those cute baby carrots start out as the regular large carrots. Machines are used to shave the outer section of the carrot down to shape it into faux baby carrot shapes. The trouble is the outer section of the carrot is the sweetest, so they are shaving off the best part of the carrot and charging you more money - so even though they are so cute, I don't buy them any more. Why pay more for less flavor?

Moosie (Ruth) mentioned that carrots provide more nutrients when cooked - which isn't quite true. Fresh fruit and veggies provide a ton of nutrients. When you cook fruit and veggies, depending on the temperature, how long it's heated and the method of cooking, you destroy some nutrients but other nutrients become bio-available thanks to the cooking. In other words, a raw carrot and a cooked carrot both offer you nutrients but they aren't exactly the same. So it's good to eat a variety of both raw and cooked veggies and if you eat enough you don't have to worry.I seem to have fixation on carrots lately. LOL I must be part Peter rabbit.

Yesterday for some odd reason I was really hungry - and hungry for salads so like Mary I made a large one and snacked during the day and then made another large one for supper. I too used to not like salads.
Future Legend
on 4/21/10 8:53 am - SC
Ok.. a snack.. ay?  Well..evil snacks are sugar free/fat free pudding made with heavy cream and half and half...   but because of the high fat... I just basically have a taste   I know.. crazy.

Another snack is...  a piece of turkey rolled up with a piece of provolone. <-- that's a fav.... or cut a small piece out of the philly cream cheese.. um.. handful of black olives, grab a roasted red pepper out of the jar... and at all costs, I avoid David's candy  "stash" !  YES.. he has a stash.. and NO.. it isn't easy to resist when I'm laying in bed watching tv.. feeling a little hungry and I KNOW there's a BUNCH of hershey bars in the mini ..hahahhahahahhaha 
on 4/21/10 5:22 pm
Yikes, you need to make him hide that stash...preferably out of the house!!!  I would be able to sniff it out like a bloodhound.
Future Legend
on 4/22/10 5:34 am - SC
ATKINS BARS.. of course, I get gas like crazy and can't lose an ounce... but it's a way to fight back when he's eating a king size hershey bar!  Mama mia...  what it would be  like to have THAT kind of metabolism! 
(deactivated member)
on 4/21/10 11:43 pm
OMG - get that candy stash out of the house NOW. That would drive me nuts. Maybe he can keep it in his car or at work?

I'm allergic to peanuts so DH would buy M&M peanuts at the beginning when I first started dieting - that drove me nuts too but we both knew I couldn't even eat one without having a serious reaction. Eventually he realized how it made me feel and he stopped eating them and switched to fruit. Can you DH find something that isn't a trigger for you?
Christa :]
on 4/22/10 12:15 am - MI
VSG on 03/13/12
Stacey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooo turkey and provolone. I love provolone, hell I love cheese.

As for candy stashes OMG my fiances 2 kids each have candy galore in their rooms from Easter I see it every day. But I don't grab at it. I think about it lol.



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