How Ya'll Are???

on 4/20/10 1:59 pm

Hey Everybody, how have all of you been?  Michelle just pm'd me so I thought I'd come over here and say hi to everyone.  For those who don't know me, I used to be on here flappin' my gums ALL THE TIME.   

I have been doing well.  For years I was stuck on 129 pound weight loss and couldn't lose one more pound to save my life.  Good news, I finally lost two more pounds and have lost a grand total of 131 pounds.  Hallelujah!!!

Stop by and say "hi",


(deactivated member)
on 4/20/10 11:13 pm
Hi Mary, I was wondering how you were doing and I missed reading you "flappin' your gums all the time" LOL No one expresses themselves quite like you do.

I'm so glad you're doing well and congrats on the two more pounds lost.

So how are you, what are you up to these days? Are you still doing Atkins?
on 4/21/10 4:01 pm

Skylar, it's so good to hear from you.  I see you are doing pretty dadgummed good in the weight loss department yasself.  Feels good doesn't it?

Yes I'm still on Atkins Lifetime Maintenance, I just got through eating some pumpkin mousse, it was delish.  Who would ever think that I'd eat diet pumpkin mousse, the only way I ate pumpkin in the old days was in a big ol pie with whipped cream on top!

I've been out working in my yard now that Spring has sprung, the weather here has been just beautiful.  It's the best workout there is, I get to play in the dirt and burn calories!


(deactivated member)
on 4/21/10 12:31 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hey lady........
Said it before, I'll say it again............don't stay away so long....MISS YOU!

All is well on my front....I'm basically DONE with all my plastic surgery....healing now after my last round 3.5 weeks ago (Inner Thighs and arms).  FINALLY after 3 procedures my arms look great! 

I'm trying to plan a trip home to see my family and friends.....having to deal with/face my horrific fear of flying..........may end up taking Amtrak but hate to lose 2 days just in travel.  I'm watching some fear of flying videos and hoping to build up some courage......

What's new with you.....finished clearing out the yard?

on 4/21/10 4:37 pm
Hiya Beautiful, it's good to be missed!  I'll see if I can get back here more often...just for YOU. 

I just saw your facelift results, Yowza!  And your thighs really show off your surgeons superpowers, no?  You have got to be thrilled with the way things turned out, even if your arms took three procedures.  But you know us former obese chicks, our skin has been compromised and we get to go for extra revisions.  I just had to have a minor surgery because my chest muscle had stretched a little bit and my implant fell slightly.  After alla that,  to keep this from happening again, I plan to keep these tatas locked and loaded in a bra so tight I can't breathe!  Sometimes, breathing can be overrated.

I say just go on Amtrak and enjoy the ride and the scenery, it's easier on your nerves.  You know what they say, stress makes you fat!


(deactivated member)
on 4/22/10 4:38 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Yep I sure am very happy with my results so far.  I am just THRILLED with my new surgeon is a a gem....I adore him and his nurse.  I swear I'm gonna miss him next year once I'm 100% done with all minor revision stuff. ...but I have nothing else for him to slice and dice (unless we can figure out something for the calfs).
on 4/22/10 5:23 am
LOL, I feel the same way about my surgeon and his staff.  Funny how after a while, people we don't even know become like family to us.  Of course, I always bake them cakes so that makes me special!

Nothing else to slice and dice, that's funny.  What in the world would you want to do to your calfs?  Are they too big or too small.  Either way, an elliptical works wonders for the calves. 

I need a necklift, but I spent that money on my husband's stem cell therapy so I guess I'll just have to live with this waddle for a little while longer.  *damnit*

(deactivated member)
on 4/22/10 5:50 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Because I always carried most of my weight in my butt and legs, including my calfs as I lost weight I've got some loose skin on the calfs.  Not noticeable when I'm standing or in heels but when sitting or laying down it bugs me big time.  Guess this is one of the crosses I must carry for abusing my body for so many years......
on 4/21/10 1:54 am - san bernardino, CA
 Glad my message prompted you to come and see how everyone is doing! congrats on 131 lb's! im approaching 100 lb's but am dealing with a bunch of emotional stuff, which I feel like must be dealt with in order to go forward, so yeah, thats where im at! 

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

on 4/21/10 4:51 pm
Talk to me Baby Girl, whatcha gotta deal with?  Tell me and maybe all of us here can help you sort things out and get this weight loss bidness on the road.  Sometimes dealing with what is going on in your head can make this process harder than it has to be and trust me when I say, it helps to talk about this with your Sister's who have walked down this road and made it through to the other side...with our wagon's all bruised and battered and our hearts pounding hard from facing the issues that kept us bound by obesity for years.  Clear your head from alla the emotional constipation and stay focused on what's really important to you.  Start spillin' your guts, Sister!

Loves ya plenty,

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