The wonders of water

(deactivated member)
on 4/13/10 2:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Some really interesting information in this article.....I was especailly interested in what the expert said about how many times a "normal" person should pee each day.....check it out!!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/13/10 7:07 am
Interesting post. I've known for years that the "advice" to drink 8 ounces of water 8 times a day was one of those urban myths that got retold and retold so often that after awhile Dr.s started telling in their patients to drink that much water. There is nothing wrong with our thirst sensors - when we are thirsty they tell us to go drink water - and that's when we should drin****il we are satisfied - not more and not less. It's just like breathing - no one questions if their body isn't telling them when to take a breath - we just breathe every time we need to. Same thing with water - drink when you're thirsty. I wonder if the guy who is speaking about how many times we need to pee is still working on the myth of drinking 64 ounces of water or more in addition to the food we eat. If you drink as often as your thirst tells you to - then you will go to the bathroom as often as you need. Of course there are times we need to drink more water - such as when you have a urinary tract infection. the flu etc. Anyhow I've always been annoyed when I hear so called experts telling everyone to drink more and more and more water- way more than your body needs and based on no research just heresay.

I'm fascinated by Dr. Barbara J. Roll's work showing tha****er as a beverage doesn't do anything to help us lose weight - on the average a glass of water leaves our stomach about 7 minutes after drinking. However her information on losing weight with volumetrics is based on her peer reviewed research showing that eating foods with a larger water content such as veggies or foods cooked with water (Soup, oatmeal, pasta) where the water becomes incorporated into the food makes us feel full and satisfied even if we're eating less calories. I'm planning on reading her book - I have a request into my local library - but her original research is available on line.

They also mentioned The French Paradox - LOL "Of course, water -- clean, refreshing, and calorie-free -- is an ideal beverage of choice  but studies have shown that you can be just as hydrated with coffee, soft drinks, or even beer. And some folks swear by its weight loss powers, including Mireille Guiliano, author of the best-selling book French Women Don't Get Fat."
What I find funny is that media is still talking about this so called French Paradox when there is no French Paradox - the French are almost as fat as Americans. They have weigh****chers and Jenny Craig. The origin of this is from the Lyon Heart Diet Study - which was an interesting study - and often used to tout olive oil. Funny thing is the patients on this study didn't use olive oil - they didn't like it's flavor, they were using canola oil margarine. LOL And they forget to mention that 25% of the patients in the study died or suffered a cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke) during the 5 year study. That's very high for a study trying to stop these kinds of diseases.

So I will end because I have to go to the bathroom to pee. LOL I do love to drink my water.
(deactivated member)
on 4/13/10 7:49 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I think, for me anyway, drinking water did help me lose weight....when I drank a glass of water before a meal I always ate less and felt fuller.
My mother and father basically drink only tea all day.....I'm talking about A LOT of tea.....I think they have it flowing in their veins.

I think it's better to drink water than a glass of juice, soda, etc because of the calories and sodium.  I was amazed many years ago when a nurse friend told me to check the sodium count on the can of wonder my hands swelled up when I was drinking it.

Anyhow....interesting reading I think.

(deactivated member)
on 4/13/10 12:46 pm
I know that I can't eat without drinking water - and that was one of the things that really turned me off WLS - at the time I was looking into RNY or lapband. I think with the DS and VSG they can drink.

LOL tea is healthy - it's got antioxidants. When you think about it, that tea is mostly water - unless they are adding in lots of sugar.

I do agree - water is much better than juice and soda. I never thought about the sodium in sodas but you're right - it's another source of hidden sodium that we don't consider. I'm sensitive to sodium too - I really wish I wasn't - but I used to have my hands and legs swell up from too much. Now that I'm vigilant about no hidden sodium and only using a small amount at meal time I haven't had any swelling whatsoever. Who knew?
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