Appreciate imperfection
Appreciate imperfection.
Some of the most precious gems in the world have flaws that do not diminish their worth. When a diamond is a deep yellow or brown, it is considered more valuable. So, what you might assume is a serious flaw is really a great strength.
Do you judge yourself by impossible standards? Do you berate yourself for lack of perfection? Your flaws make you unique and precious. Your sensitivity means you are compassionate. Not looking perfect makes you approachable. Surviving pain brings others hope. You are not a worthless rock; you are a precious gem.
Action for the day: Think of three people you admire. In your journal, describe their flaws. How do their flaws make them unique and precious? What flaws might people appreciate in you?
© 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
on 4/7/10 10:40 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I appreciate that God led me to my surgeon and that he got me through all these procedures with relatively very little complications and overall really good results. SURE there are some things I'd like tighter, firmer, smaller, etc BUT I do not want to be a barbie doll, I'm not 22 anymore (not that a 22 yr old needs to look like Barbie), and given what things looked like when I started, I have no complaints!!!!!
So I have learned to appreciate the little imperfections with my body and I'm just fine with them...I'm happy with me.

on 4/7/10 11:45 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL