What have you done today to make you feel proud? Sat
on 4/3/10 2:56 am
What have you done today to make you feel proud today? What is everyone up to today?
I'm extremely excited, I "shed" another pound. I like how Ruth explains she likes the word Shed instead of lost because lost implies you can find it again
- and I have no intention of find my lost pounds. Anyhow, why I am extremely excited is that I am now officially OVERWEIGHT. When I started I was super morbidly obese and I had trouble seeing beyond my first big goal to get below 300 pounds. I couldn't even conceive at that time that I would get below 200. To celebrate, DH and I will be going a nice concert next month. I can't wait.
Hope everyone is have the same gorgeous weather that we are enjoying. Take good care of yourselves.
Skylar for Moosie (Ruth) who is recuperating beautifully from her reconstructive surgery.
on 4/3/10 6:45 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

I took a shower all by myself, got re-wrapped and dressed and it only took about an hour (1/2 the time it took last time).
It sounds silly but I am SO PROUD that I am resting.... I lay down after my shower and ended up taking a short nap.........It is all helping with my healing.
I am feeling so good I have to keep reminding myself to limit my activity so I heal well.
OK, I'll stop bragging and singing the same ole song....
Have a great weekend!