Summers over was yours?

on 9/15/09 7:06 am

I'm so jealous of you, but you already know that. :)  I wanna go see your new kitchen dang it!   I didn't even think about all the eating out you guys are probably doing.  That must stink!  Well in a way..haha  We are two peas in a pod girlfriend.  We got to figure this out.  I'm glad to see you got your water aerobics stuff together.  You always act so much more full of life when you go, do you realize that?  Think we both need to realize that.  I know my husband has complimented me on my "glow" after I exercise.  I told him that was something called SWEAT!!hahaha 

Marcus is still to this day determined to lose weight.  He is all gung ho and giving me hell.  Still not sure what my problem is. I think mentally I have given up, for several months.  I just know that if I don't do something, I will be dead in a few yars.  I know that sounds morbid, but how my health is, I wouldn't doubt it!  I just need something, not sure what...and I believe you do too, to make us realize we are worth it and can do it!

Here is to us in the remaining 3-4 months of the year.  Wow Sherrie, this was suppose to be our year.  It's almost gone!!  Well that just bummed me 

on 9/15/09 3:05 am - Hiltons, VA
Congrats on the grandbaby, that's so exciting.  I'm sure you can't wait to hold the little one.

My summer has been pretty good, I went to the beach end of March first of April (I guess that's spring lol),  Took the summer off from college classes and enjoyed a lot of time in the pool when our weather cooperated we had a very unusually cool summer.  That was about it for my summer now classes are back in session so it's homework all the time.


Non Surgery - (HW/CW/GW) - - 247/173/150(first major goal)

on 9/15/09 7:11 am

Oooh a pool, I miss the pool.  I'm allergic to something they use in it.  Bad news is that is one of my favorite sports to do! 

You sound like you are going to be busy!  What are you studying if you don't mind me asking?  You have done so well, you need to spread your vibes around this place. :)  How do you stay in control so well?  For someone that doesn't have any kind of restrictions, you have done extemely well!!  You have got to be so proud of yourself.  Have you done anymore stunts like that one you told us a while back?  When you venture out and push yourself, you GO!!  I have to say, I LOVE IT!!  

on 9/15/09 7:18 am - Hiltons, VA
I'm getting an Associates Degree in Medical Office Specialist.   This semester so far seems to be the hardest so far because I've added the 2 classes to my schedule I was dreading which is Busicness Law and English (I hate writing, and it's all we do).

No haven't done any more daring things lately lol, I am going back to Dollywood sometime in October to try the skyzip again I'm excited about it.  For me I think the main reason I've been able to stay in control this time and not give up has been because I do allow myself chips (this is my weakness) I just only allow myself 1 oz of them and when those are gone that's it.  Where in the past I wouldn't have stopped until the bag was gone.  In the beginning it was very hard though, I think overtime either my stomach has gotten smaller or I've trained myself to be full after a much smaller amount of food it has to be one or the other.  Used to it took a lot for me to feel full but it really doesn't anymore and I love that.  

Also one motivation for me has been since I started working out with wii active it actually tells you how many calories you burn and when I reliazed just how hard I have to work to only burn 100 calories that extra snack really didn't look good anymore.


Non Surgery - (HW/CW/GW) - - 247/173/150(first major goal)

on 9/15/09 8:09 am

Good for you on the degree!  Lol, no more outrageous stunts eh?hehe  You really inspired me on that one.  I love seeing people push thier limits with things they love to do.  Probably because I am that person, just this weight keeps me from doing it.  In the mean while I just keep getting more phobias, and more phobias!  Hoping all that will disappear when I get some weight off of me.

You sound like you are doing what my sister is doing.  She has lost lots of weight too just by portion controlling, but I think she's also watching her carbs.  I was just telling my husband that i need to shirnk my stomach a bit.  That helps a lot doesn't it!  Lets you be more in control!!

Hope this semester doesn't give you too hard of a time.  Just think will be DONE with them!  I have to agree on the english..i HATE english!!

on 9/15/09 8:24 am - Hiltons, VA
That is so true I can't wait to have English over and done with.  Business Law isn't near as bad as I expected just a lot of reading (which I also hate).  

I can't wait to go back and try the skyzip again, I'm glad I'm actually starting to get back out and start doing things, I had gotten to where the only thing I wanted to do was stay home and it was really starting to effect my life and my relationship with my partner.  And even though I've lost some weight I still am finding I hae to make myself at times go out, I think you just get into a habit and it's easy to keep going along, but I'm making a bit effort now to change and go out a lot more then I had been.  I try to go to curves at least 3 - 4 days a week so this also is good for getting out and being more social instead of just sitting home all the time. I'm really starting to enjoy it the way I used to.


Non Surgery - (HW/CW/GW) - - 247/173/150(first major goal)

on 9/15/09 4:30 pm - Canada
Congratulations on the Grandbaby! I know my mom is pushing for my sister and I to have our own babies so she can spoil them, but like I told her I can't do it on my own I need a man first! lol.

As for my summer it seems like it's been similiar to yours, not very motivated to do much and just taking it laid back. Maybe a little to laid back. I find the more laid back I get the harder it is to get back into it. This time last year I was really into my walking but once the snow hit and the sidewalks froze I didn't want to walk anymore and it's been hard to start that habit back up again.  Although I did get walks in today.  Autumn is coming and it is my favourite time to exercise outdoors because I find I don't feel the sweat as much which is my most dreaded part of exercising.

Once I get this weight off though it's babies 'R' me! lol. Again Congratulations! and I hope you get back on the horse!
on 9/15/09 5:36 pm

Babies R Me, I love it!ha

I hear ya on being on the laid back side.  That has me written all over it.  Suprised I didn't have a lawn chair with my name written on it with a margherita by it's side at all times!  :)

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