Weight loss slowed a bit
My weight loss seems to have slowed a bit but I'm ok with that at lesat it's still going down even if it's a bit slower then it had been. I'm down to 193 so very happy about that number. It's hard to believe less then 4 months ago I weighed in at 245 I would have never thought I would actually enjoy getting healthy. But I'm actually enjoying the daily exercise and not depriving myself of any food that I like to eat I just make sure I watch my portons on anything I might want. It seems to have really helped and I know this is a lifestyle I can keep up with.
VSG on 04/29/13
Thanks everyone I ended up with a great loss this week of 3.4 pounds I was very happy with that number because typically recently I've been keeping it close to about 2 pounds normally. So was very happy to see a bigger loss this week. I weighed in this morning at 191.4 so happy to see that i'm getting closer to the 180's can't wait to get there.
Thanks everyone this week was a pretty good week I'm down to 189 this morning I was very pleased with that number I lost 2.4 pounds this week so it was a very good week. Have been keeping the food good and getting the exercise in so hopefully I can stay on track and hit my goal sometime after January.