What do you do with your clothes that don't fit?
on 7/21/09 9:33 am
Are you hanging onto your clothes? Do you get rid of them?
Funny you mentioned this, because after I lost a hundred pounds a while back I got rid of all my skinny clothes as I gained back my weight. All of them went except for a few items that my daughter wanted.
The other night, as she was packing to move out, she brought me my very last purchase while being skinny. It's a shirt from Victoria Secret, a skinny, slimming, silky little shirt. Needless to say my daughter can't even wear it now and man...that thing looks SMALL! I wasn't that small, but man...does it look small to me now! I think it would fit like a quarter of me now. Was very depressing at the moment, and still is, but I still can' t let go of this one last item. I keep looking at it and thinking I need to throw it away, but I can't bring it to myself to do it. So for me, I think it is sort of a good thing to keep at least one item for remembrance, either your skinny clothes or your fat clothes!
Thinking about tacking it on the wall, might do me some good! :) hehe
on 7/23/09 1:38 am
on 7/23/09 1:44 am
on 7/23/09 1:47 am