The newest fad diet - The Mango Diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/09 5:05 am
on 6/16/09 5:05 am

It made me think of all the fad diets out there and I bet between everyone here we've problem been on all of them. I remember DH went on the cabbage soup diet - everyone at work was on it and he loves cabbage soup so it seemed a no brainer - until he had terrible diarrhea like everyone else at work. No funny.
I was on Medifast - lost 100 pounds and felt great but I could never, ever go on a total liquid diet again. I'm not sure if what I'm on right now is considered a fad diet because I eat they way that most people in non-developed countries eat and they way that most Americans and Europeans ate before WWI.
So what fad diets have you tried/enjoyed/successful/made you sick etc.?
I've been on many fad diets for most of my adult life, and the worse one that I can remember is the liquid protein diet, with one meal a day. The liquid protein tasted just terrible, and after losing around 29 pounds on it, I finally couldn't stand it any more and quit, with predictable results - I gained it all back and more, of course.
I heard of the Atkins diet a long time ago, and wasn't interested in it, since I tried a version of it for 2-3 days, and found myself getting ill without the carbs. That's why I've avoided it in the future. I heard of the grapefruit and water diets, but never was on them. The healthiest fad diet I was ever on that I lost an appreciable amount of weight on was LA Weight Loss. I'm not sure if they even exist anymore, but I lost 52 pounds on it in 2001 (took six months), and finally got sick of it, as well as the expense of buying their over-priced products.
I've tried Weigh****chers three separate times, and each time I was disappointed in the results. Today, I just eat three moderate meals a day with nothing in between (most days), and try to choose healthy foods, and allow myself two ice cream (sugar-free & low fat) treats and one small box of chocolate candy a week for dessert. I usually don't eat any other desserts during the week, because I don't want to get dependent on having them after dinner.
I love mangos, but my husband doesn't, so I don't buy them anymore. I also find them hard to prepare, as well. I'm going to (when we have extra money) look at the Giant Eagle store to see if they carry fresh papaya or not. I cannot eat dried papaya, because it turns into a binge food for me, as do prunes, raisins, dried apricots, etc. I feel the sugar in these fruits is just too concentrated which causes cravings in me for more. Fresh fruit doesn't do this for me, at all, so I can eat it in moderation.
Denise Phares/kitties4
I heard of the Atkins diet a long time ago, and wasn't interested in it, since I tried a version of it for 2-3 days, and found myself getting ill without the carbs. That's why I've avoided it in the future. I heard of the grapefruit and water diets, but never was on them. The healthiest fad diet I was ever on that I lost an appreciable amount of weight on was LA Weight Loss. I'm not sure if they even exist anymore, but I lost 52 pounds on it in 2001 (took six months), and finally got sick of it, as well as the expense of buying their over-priced products.
I've tried Weigh****chers three separate times, and each time I was disappointed in the results. Today, I just eat three moderate meals a day with nothing in between (most days), and try to choose healthy foods, and allow myself two ice cream (sugar-free & low fat) treats and one small box of chocolate candy a week for dessert. I usually don't eat any other desserts during the week, because I don't want to get dependent on having them after dinner.
I love mangos, but my husband doesn't, so I don't buy them anymore. I also find them hard to prepare, as well. I'm going to (when we have extra money) look at the Giant Eagle store to see if they carry fresh papaya or not. I cannot eat dried papaya, because it turns into a binge food for me, as do prunes, raisins, dried apricots, etc. I feel the sugar in these fruits is just too concentrated which causes cravings in me for more. Fresh fruit doesn't do this for me, at all, so I can eat it in moderation.
Denise Phares/kitties4
(deactivated member)
on 6/17/09 8:56 am
on 6/17/09 8:56 am
Denise, I think it was actually easier to do a total liquid diet - if I had to eat a meal with it I would have fallen off very early on. Having only to drink liquids just removes you from all food including temptations. It is hard on your body but I did lose weight just like as if I had WLS.
I always thought that Weigh****chers was a good diet - well balanced. I was always too cheap to join.
I don't do anything to my mangoes except to cut it open and eat with a spoon scooping it away from the skin and I use a knife to cut away fruit that clings to the stone in the center. I've never found a papaya that I liked, I just don't know how to pick one that is ready to eat.
I always thought that Weigh****chers was a good diet - well balanced. I was always too cheap to join.
I don't do anything to my mangoes except to cut it open and eat with a spoon scooping it away from the skin and I use a knife to cut away fruit that clings to the stone in the center. I've never found a papaya that I liked, I just don't know how to pick one that is ready to eat.