What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?
I wandered my fat self over to this forum for the first time tonight and read this garbage. I don't dress like that, but I bet there are a**holes at the beach who think things like that because I dare to go the beach in gasp a bathing suit. Why is it okay for skinny people to dress skanky, but not fluffy people? If you don't like it......don't look!!!!
Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!

It's about the Wow's!

yes, there is a change, Sherrie! It's hard to find the words to capture what is in my heart, but I think simply put, it is hard to speak with those who have success when we feel like such floundering failures.
I have no idea what to do about that, really. It is a public board and we can take what we want and ignore the rest. I know when I am not feeling the board vibes, i lurk more.
i think there are cycles for each of us. This journey has its share of whining, despair, self hatred - all of which can make me get sick of talking about it all at times. But then I read a post from some soul who is soo lost, so lonely and I may be only one rung up, but I can pull her up that little bit.
I will remind you all that the successful folks among us were once where we were...i mean I feel ya when some skinny ho is trying to tell me how to lose weight when she maybe has dieted off 20# in her whole life. But these folks really are trying to help, i see the intent and try to think the best of the messages.
I have no idea what to do about that, really. It is a public board and we can take what we want and ignore the rest. I know when I am not feeling the board vibes, i lurk more.
i think there are cycles for each of us. This journey has its share of whining, despair, self hatred - all of which can make me get sick of talking about it all at times. But then I read a post from some soul who is soo lost, so lonely and I may be only one rung up, but I can pull her up that little bit.
I will remind you all that the successful folks among us were once where we were...i mean I feel ya when some skinny ho is trying to tell me how to lose weight when she maybe has dieted off 20# in her whole life. But these folks really are trying to help, i see the intent and try to think the best of the messages.
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
This board has really lost a lot of its zest. I welcome all posts, whether it's from those of us that are struggling or the more successful ones on maintenance. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I try to look at it that way. Weight loss can be a very touchy subject.
I personally don't dress like that or eat in public in that way, but it's none of my business what others do. Unless someone is rude to me , I try to just keep to myself. That guy on the cell phone would never have said that if that was a skinny person though and that does bother me.
I hope that no one stops posting here though due to a difference of opinion. Like they say, try and take what you want and leave the rest.
I think we do need different posts and not the same old ones to keep it interesting. I shouldn't talk though, I haven't been posting at all.
We are all friends here and we don't want anyone leaving the board. I know I have missed reading your posts lately Holly.
I personally don't dress like that or eat in public in that way, but it's none of my business what others do. Unless someone is rude to me , I try to just keep to myself. That guy on the cell phone would never have said that if that was a skinny person though and that does bother me.
I hope that no one stops posting here though due to a difference of opinion. Like they say, try and take what you want and leave the rest.
I think we do need different posts and not the same old ones to keep it interesting. I shouldn't talk though, I haven't been posting at all.
We are all friends here and we don't want anyone leaving the board. I know I have missed reading your posts lately Holly.
Hi Brenda!!!! I miss you very much. Stick around!
You done said a mouthful about this is a touchy subject.
You also hit that dead on about the guy on his cell phone giving his Peanut Gallery opinion. Of the whole story, that right there bothered me the very worst that he would say that out loud to them.
Say what we will about Miz Mary coming back here and giving her opinion on it, at least she did not blast those gals outright to their faces.
I think even amongst the heaviest of us, we really cannot say that we don't judge fat people. I work VERY hard not to and leave it where it should be: NONE of my business.
Societal "rules" do serve a purpose - an important, basic one in this case: We are trying to keep everybody *in line* to be healthy & productive citizens, so when we see super morbidly fat people among us, we equate it to be unhealthy on a survival instinct level. This type of judgment even supecedes what the media punches down our throats.
I wi**** were different, I really do.
I work at being the lovingkind person that I want all of us to be - BE the change, is you will. I will die believing that I can change ONE person by loving them enough so that s/he can love her/his own self enough to get healthy.
You done said a mouthful about this is a touchy subject.
You also hit that dead on about the guy on his cell phone giving his Peanut Gallery opinion. Of the whole story, that right there bothered me the very worst that he would say that out loud to them.
Say what we will about Miz Mary coming back here and giving her opinion on it, at least she did not blast those gals outright to their faces.
I think even amongst the heaviest of us, we really cannot say that we don't judge fat people. I work VERY hard not to and leave it where it should be: NONE of my business.
Societal "rules" do serve a purpose - an important, basic one in this case: We are trying to keep everybody *in line* to be healthy & productive citizens, so when we see super morbidly fat people among us, we equate it to be unhealthy on a survival instinct level. This type of judgment even supecedes what the media punches down our throats.
I wi**** were different, I really do.
I work at being the lovingkind person that I want all of us to be - BE the change, is you will. I will die believing that I can change ONE person by loving them enough so that s/he can love her/his own self enough to get healthy.
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
on 6/6/09 3:47 am - NY
on 6/6/09 3:47 am - NY
Well said.

Original goal: lose 53 lbs. New goal: lose 68-78 lbs total.
I have to agree with you about being so blatant about being obese. My mother taught me to wear navy blue and black long pants to cover the excess poundage, and I still do that today. I wear shorter sleeves in the summer, but no shorts, since I'm 264 pounds right now. I'm only 5 foot 1/2 inch tall, so I'm morbidly obese, as well. I used to wear around 306 pounds back in 2001, but fortunately, I've lost some of that, even though I can't see the difference in a mirror just now.
I can't stand the idea of other people viewing my overhanging abdomen, my fat calves & thighs, etc. The only way I'd wear shorts is if I were alot thinner, down in the low 100s. I hate to admit this, but I do find people like the ones you mentioned kind of disgusting to look at. I once had a client who was obviously a compulsive overeater, and she not only ate food off her own floor, she kept having me buy high fat and high sugar junk foods for her, even though she was bigger than I was and had diabetes in her family background. I didn't have the heart, though, to criticize her for what she was doing, since that wasn't part of my job as a home health aide.
My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what weight I am. He simply says I'm voluptuous, and says there is more of me to love. I am slowly learning to accept my body just as it is, as I'm slowly losing weight each month. It's hard, since my family was so critical of me when I was slightly overweight as a youth. None of the kids at school made fun of me for being fat, so I know my family was overreacting to my slight overweightness.
Denise Phares/kitties4
I can't stand the idea of other people viewing my overhanging abdomen, my fat calves & thighs, etc. The only way I'd wear shorts is if I were alot thinner, down in the low 100s. I hate to admit this, but I do find people like the ones you mentioned kind of disgusting to look at. I once had a client who was obviously a compulsive overeater, and she not only ate food off her own floor, she kept having me buy high fat and high sugar junk foods for her, even though she was bigger than I was and had diabetes in her family background. I didn't have the heart, though, to criticize her for what she was doing, since that wasn't part of my job as a home health aide.
My husband thinks I am beautiful no matter what weight I am. He simply says I'm voluptuous, and says there is more of me to love. I am slowly learning to accept my body just as it is, as I'm slowly losing weight each month. It's hard, since my family was so critical of me when I was slightly overweight as a youth. None of the kids at school made fun of me for being fat, so I know my family was overreacting to my slight overweightness.
Denise Phares/kitties4
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/09 6:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 6/4/09 6:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I fought the urge to eat something I know is not good for me and successfully passed it up. Victory!
I am completely with HollyRachel on this, why are they fat slobs just because of the way they dress? I have a friend who's easily 350 maybe more and she is not ashamed of the way she looks she is happy with the person that she is and is very comfortable dressing as you call it like a fat slob. Why because it's not something we would do personally does it mean the person is a fat slob? I think some heavy people are comfortable in their own body even if there is some of us that aren't. I personally wouldn't dress like that but I won't judge others who are comfortable enough to dress anyway they want to. As far as them needing a scooter at wal-mart we really can't be sure why they needed them maybe there was another reason besides the one you obviously came to of them just being lazy. Just my opinion on this post, I admit I was quite shocked to see such a title on this board.