scary wake up call...
Heather Cancer is definitely a scary word and a major wake up call for anyone. I know it's easier said than done, but you've gotta keep positive. Until it's diagnosed, you DON'T have it. I've been on the other end just a couple months back with my favorite aunt. Due to her symptoms and the fact the antibiotics weren't working, they were thinking Cancer of the bladder. The dr., thank GOD, was wrong. So you keep thinking those little words...doctors can be wrong. As Neecee said, even if it comes to pass they can do so much nowadays and finding it early is a good thing. You've got a lot of motivation to get healthy. I'd say your daughter is a beautiful motivator.
Take care and please keep us informed. I don't post much on this forum, but I do like to see how you all are doing.
Take care and please keep us informed. I don't post much on this forum, but I do like to see how you all are doing.