A space in time
on 5/28/09 10:23 am - MI
Well, were do I begin! It's been awhile since I poked my head in. So here I am poking. I have been reading about what everyone has been up to, somewhat. Some sad, some madding, and some joyful. I am glad you are all here. listening, and sharing and listening from someone else. This is a good place to vent, to find support and information.( not a bad start.)
Just before the Memorial holiday, one of my doctors put me on some new medication,(because they stopped making what I was taking, for my asthma.) and I had a slight reaction to it. My blood pressure and sugar went up a bit and I had trouble peeing. (took about 3 weeks.) So my doctor gave me a newer medication, but this time I had a worse reaction ( took 2 days) Sugar jumped to 200mg before eating and my blood pressure jumped to around 140/80, now I know what your going to say, that's not bad, but my blood pressure was around 115/62, before the med's. I believe I caugth my brother's cold mixed in with the drug reaction, I started to have problems breathing. My bronchial tubes were congested and full of phlegm, like breathing through a straw and boy did I have a head on me, coughing, wheezing, my whole body hurt. I couldn't clear the congestion, so on and so on (mind you this happened just before and on the Memorial holiday, go figure, no one around and no doctors either.) By now the holiday is over, the doctors are in, so I called, they had me fill a prescription for another drug to take care of the inflammation in my bronchial tubes, now I do not know what this medicine will do for a cold, but I have had it before and it too makes my blood pressure go up. I was assured that it will be OK, because it was a very low dose. I said well OK, I will try it. ( note I stopped taking those new asthma med.'s went back to what I have left of the stuff that works for me, while it last.) Still need to find a good asthma medication for me, but for now my sugar is down to 108mg this morning, before breakfast and my blood pressure is adjusting to it's regular readings and I dropped the (10) of the (15) pounds I gained ( another side affect.) in the last (3) days. I had to buy a cough syrup to get the congestion and coughing toned down, but I am on the mend. Still do a lot of coughing when I get over heated, but that's OK Things are looking up. Need to share/vent .