OT ~ My Big Baby, aka, The Guy I Married!

on 5/17/09 3:32 am
To say the least, my life has been a little on the hectic side lately.  Between friends and family and diet and exercise and clearing property and doing Spring yard work, I seem to meet masself coming and going.  But thank God I seem to be pretty capable of getting things done and this place runs like a well oiled machine...of course with monkey wrenches thrown in occassionally...OK, a lot!

One of the monkey wrenches was my DH getting his right foot run over by a tractor last Fall.  When it twisted him to the ground, he developed a hematoma from the top of his thigh to his knee.  After two docs and five tests not knowing what it was, they finally decided to try and drain it.  Yep, it was a hematoma allright!  Now the doc says he has to have surgery to cut it out cuz it won't resolve on it's own and that will be in the morning at 6:30 a.m.  Good Lawd what an ungodly time to have to be somewhere looking halfway human!

In preparation for his surgery, I have bought a ton of junk food for his recovery because for some reason he believes that junk food helps you heal faster when you don't feel good.  His idea of eating light after surgery is donuts.  Bug Eyed 

So I don't know whether I need to ask you to say a prayer for him or for ME!  When he's sick or been wounded he turns into a big baby and I always accommodate that cuz I spoil him rotten, but now I'm going to be stuck in the house with him on my last nerve and an island full of goodies.  Yes, that's where they are because I have no place to put them cuz I never keep that stuff in the house, but I'm thinking they are going to have to go on the desk in his study.  Hopefully, you won't be reading about me in the newspaper...crazed woman strangles husband with her bare hands and found in a garbage heap of cookie bags, donut boxes, and assorted candy wrappers!

So if you have a moment, could you please say a prayer for BOTH of us. Angel 2 



on 5/17/09 7:58 am - MI

        Dear Mary:

   I  pray, for you and your husband, for improved health, a safe procedure, guidance for the doctors and nurses, as they work, a comforting peace for you and strength to cope with anything that comes your way.    Twilight

  RE:  The goody bag; Out of site out of mind.  Stick it in a bag, put it where your husband can get it, and you do not have to handle it. Then forget about it.( just an Idea.)

on 5/17/09 11:25 am
Awwe Twilight, what a great prayer...Thanks Girlee!

There is a big table next to his recliner that he will be recovering in so I put all of his goodies, aka junk food, on that.  Makes me feel better just to have it out of the kitchen! Cool


Neecee O.
on 5/17/09 7:58 am - CA

OOOH you got it, sister! Prayers coming right up. Oh yeah, your head is on straight to put that crapola collection in his room.

Isn't that funny how two polar opposites could attract and stick together?

I do hope that he heals up quickly and all goes very smoothly.

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."   ~Mark Twain

on 5/17/09 11:30 am
Thank you Neecee.  Well, we've been polarized for almost thirty years now so it must be love or sumpn! I Dunno


on 5/17/09 12:53 pm
I hope he gets better quickly and the junk food helps him heal quickly so you don't have to be tempted.  Good luck..
on 5/17/09 1:41 pm
Thanks Crystal.  It's just so not fair that he can eat alla that junk and maintain his girlish figure and I look at it and bloat! Kicking Dirt 

I seem to remember back in the day when I had a metabolism, Thinking 

but now it's more like a fuzzy memory.


on 5/20/09 6:20 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Mary,

I read your post a few days ago when I was at St Peter's in the Vatican.  Said a prayer for Big Baby so I'm sure everything will be just fine. 


PS  I'm back and after my birthday tomorrow I'm doing Atkins Induction - need a detox from carbs after this long trip....
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 5/22/09 8:25 am
Babs...youze home! Big HugWe missed ya woman!

Hey, I thought Italians didn't do Atkins!  But I totally understand wanting to detox from carbs, I've got to do that starting tomorrow.  Oh Goody, we can be miserable together. 

I told Big Baby that you prayed for him at the Vatican and he said to tell you thank you and that he's never been prayed for from such hallowed ground.  Now that's some high falutin' prayers!

Glad your back,


on 5/22/09 12:58 pm - San Diego, CA
Actually, Italians don't do Atkins.....and I'm just testing the waters and the theory that I can get more lean body mass with a very lo carb diet.  I am in need of serious carb detox after lots of pizza, gelato and pasta for the past three weeks.  Today I felt like I had a carb withdrawal headache. 

Glad Big Baby is recovering nicely....

Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
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