What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?
VSG on 06/04/15
My proud is that I walked the 7 blocks round trip to take dd to the school bus, 2 blocks to pick her up after school, 10 blocks to the city bus stop, went grocerie shopping, and then walked 10 blocks home from the bus stop with a back pack full of groceries and a bag on each hand. So thats 29 blocks walked today (have no idea how far that is in miles) plus walking in the store. And I'm coming down with a cold, feel like crap. I havn't eaten well today, but we'll not go into that. I'm just happy about walking so much!
Now listen here Girlee, if I had to eat salad when I felt like crap...So Do You! At least make you some chicken soup with lots of onions in it, it's good for what ails ya.
Hmmm, maybe this no car bidness is a lesson learned...youze learning to walk to places that are near instead of driving. Before you know it, you'll done be walked yasself skinny!
Feel better soon,
Hmmm, maybe this no car bidness is a lesson learned...youze learning to walk to places that are near instead of driving. Before you know it, you'll done be walked yasself skinny!
Feel better soon,