What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?

on 5/1/09 5:27 am
I hope all of you are out there doing something to make yasselves proud cuz I don't have much.  I have sinusitis and the sinus pills are making me drowzy so there is no working out for me today, unless you count snoring in this recliner as a workout! Sleeping  Last weekend I was out clearing property and the fumes from the tractor and the chain saws got my sinuses irritated.  Between that and Springtime allergies the poor things never stood a chance.  

To all of you carbohydrate addicts out there, what is it about not feeling well that makes our old habits want to come back and bite us in the butt?  Back in the day...before I came to my senses, I would have been sitting here all comforted, eating Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup with some soda crackers and a Pepsi and feeling as snug as a bug in a rug.  Now that I don't have my triple dose of highly refined carbs to soothe me, sumpn' don't feel right...somehow, this salad and glass of water just ain't doin' the trick for me. 

So my Proud for the day is that I'm being a good girl and I'm not eating simple carbs for comfort food.   It's a Beautiful Thing


on 5/1/09 5:39 am - Edmonds, WA
You are doing way better than me, Mary,  - I got the worst head cold Wednesday and ate so much low carb pasta I have to start Induction all over again! The Zicam did stop the cold after only a day and a half, but that was one lousy day and I blew it. Back on program Thursday and hope my doc visit next week reflects the changes I've been working on not on off day while I was sick.
so i guess my proud would be  - bounced back pretty fast and did not just stay in that happy carb place 

Jan D.

on 5/1/09 6:09 am
That happy carb place, ROTFL  spoken like a true carboholic!

The good news is that I've been at this low carb bidness for YEARS so it does get easier to resist them with lots of time and talking yourself out of them.  After much practice at it, they really aren't worth the crappy way you feel after you eat them...or having to go back to Induction for!

Glad you are feeling better and I hope you get a good report from your doctor.  You're gonna be so happy!


(deactivated member)
on 5/1/09 10:42 am

Sorry you're feeling under the weather.  I hope you feel better soon. 

My proud:  a director I work with guessed my age at 30 years old - a full decade younger than I am.  Made me feel really good 'cuz I've been looking and feeling old and haggard lately.    

on 5/1/09 11:47 am
Don'tcha just love a WHOLE decade off!  But you're on the mend now so you'll be looking better and younger everyday until you're back to your old cute self.  Haggard???  You so dramatic! 


(deactivated member)
on 5/1/09 2:28 pm
Haggard???  You so dramatic! 

You think that's dramatic?!  A coworker told me the other day that I looked like I was dying a few months ago. 

I don't think I looked like death but it definitely wasn't one of my better looks.  LOL
on 5/2/09 6:21 am
She wasn't being dramatic...a few months ago, you DID look like you were dying!  I was really gettin concerned when you stopped wearing stilettos and started wearing flats!!!

But you're back to your old self now so it's all good.  With THESE sinuses, I only FEEL like I'ze dying. Sick In Bed 


on 5/3/09 10:03 am - San Diego, CA
Mizz Mary,

I'm getting ready to check out of the net for a while - leaving at 5 in the morning for Venice.  My grandbabies were here this weekend and I'm in a small panic right now trying to get my act on the road.

Just wanted to tell you that I read the most amazing book this past weekend - I ordered it from Amazon thinking I could take it on the plane but it's a gigantic 600 page book and I'm a wimp who likes to hump lightly through Italy, France and Switzerland..... so I just read it all night long....More to the point, the book :  Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.  It was about $10.50 on Amazon.  The author is a medical reporter not a doctor or scientist.  Warning:  it's not a diet book or a light read - it's heavy science but I'm lay and I get it.  The book is a compilation of the history of obesity over the past 100 years or so and basically it boils down to this: 

1.  Dietary fat, whether saturated or not is not the cause of obesity, heart disease or any other chronic disease.
2.  The problem is carbohydrates in the diet, their effect on insulin secretion and thus the hormonal regulation of the human body.
3.  Sugars, sucrose and high fructose corn syrup are particularly harmful probably because the combination of fructose and glucose simultaneously elevates insulin levels while overloading the liver with carbs.
4.  Through their direct effect on insulin and blood sugar, refined carbs, starches and sugars are the dietary cause of coronary heart disease and diabetes.  They are the most likely dietary causes of cancer, Alzheimers and the other chronic diseases of civilization.
5.  Obesity is a disorder of excess fat accumulation, not overeating and not sedentary behavoir.
6.  Consuming excess calories does not cause us to grow fatter, any more than it causes a child to grow taller.  Expending more energy than we consume does not lead to long term weight loss it leads to hunger.
7.  Fattening and obesity are caused by an imbalance - a disequilibrium - in the hormonal regulation of adipose tissue and fat metabolism. 
8. Insulin is the primary regulator of fat storage.  When insulin levels are elevated, either chronically or after a meal, we accumulate fat in our fat tissue.  When insulin levels fall, we release fat from our fat tisue and use it for fuel.
9.  By stimulating insulin secretion, carbs make us fat and ultimately cause obesity. 

Bottom line: THE FEWER CARBS WE CONSUME, THE LEANER WE WILL BE.  So, what to do?  Do Atkins but DO NOT LIMIT CALORIES, which will promote low metabolic rate. The people in the studies cited, ate a ver low carb diet at about 3000 calories a day and lost anywhere from two to three pounds per week (without exercise).

Ya gotta read it. - it's right up your alley. 

See you later gals.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 5/3/09 10:56 am
Well look at you with a beautiful new avatar pic showing off those big baby blues.  Are you SURE you're Italian?

Geeze, it sounds like you are reading a Dr. Atkins book?  Science is just now starting to catch up with what he's known for years...refined carbs and processed foods make us fat.  Eating this way is the only way I was ever able to control my insulin resistance and lose weight.  And you are right about the calories, he never wanted anyone to go hungry, only after a while the problem becomes that I am not hungry and I have to force myself to eat.  Which is what I'm doing now, eating black olives because I only had one salad today and I haven't gotten in enough good carbs and oils. 

We're going to miss ya girlee...we've enjoyed having you over here.  Hey, when are you taking Fly Boy to Itlee?


on 5/3/09 11:45 am - San Diego, CA
Ciao Bella

When am I taking FlyBoy?  Not soon enough! Anyway, he's on for September - three weeks.  He's a real nature boy - really into his body and eats only whole foods and goes on long hikes in the mountains, bikes, rollerblades, ice skates, scuba. . . . he's your basic hi-energy, non sedentary, youthful environmentally friendly kinda guy.  He told me he keeps health, nutrition and physical fitness in the forefront of his lifestyle choices - just like me!  I'd definitely like to expand the horizons of his mind and body!   Now, don't get me started, I got a long day tomorrow and I need my sleep tonight - you'll have me tossing and turnin all night thinking about this little piece of heaven. 

And, yes, there are blue eyed Italians, lots of them! 

Ci Vediamo, presto

Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
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