what is your weight loss plan
on 4/23/09 11:59 am - phila, PA
Also, has anyone ever done a weight loss retreat or fitness retreat if so did it work ? Was it worth the money ??
I am thinking about this also !
I have tried it all and continue to increase in size : (

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach http://www.gracioushealth.net
One of my co-workers lost 86 lbs in 11 months, so I know it will work. My wife is on it and has lost 10 lbs in 9 days, and I'm trying to get my mom on it as she has diabetes now, and my grandmother died from complications from diabetes.
If you want to try it, send me an email at kale@info2fitness and I'll help you. I'm grateful to God and my friends for introducing me to this, and want to pass it on!
One of the best things about it is its giving me hope back, when I had just about resigned myself to being heavy!
If you think you might want to try it there are free online classes and if you have questions, the forum is great for getting good answers.
I lost my weight with Weight Watcher's & Zumba. I've lost 302 lbs. You can visit my weight loss website at www.freewebs.com/infectiouslaughter
I'll be in the Jan. 2012 issue of People Magazine's "Half Their Weight" issue!!
on 4/25/09 7:49 am, edited 4/25/09 8:00 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Start slow with the exercise and build your way up.
~I follow the "Body for Life" exercise program....easy to learn and stick with. Cardio every morning before breakfast, weight lifting 3 nights a week and the other nights another round of cardio.
~For my food, at first I weighed my portions till I got used to knowing what a 4oz piece of meat was (turns out I used to eat more like 8oz at each meal), and measuring pasta/rice/potatoes was an eye opener for me too.
~I eat at least 5 times a day....... protein powder, breakfast (a healthy oatmeal mix I make) , lunch, snack, dinner (on days I'm doing weight lifting I add another protein powder before the workout).
~Be sure in incorporate some good fats (olive oil, flaxseed oil) in your diet every day! I eat more fish and chicken/turkey during the week and only have red meat about twice a week.
~The other thing I really changed was I eliminated butter (which I used to love) and I only eat cheese once a week (I used to eat it just about every day).
~I only weighed myself once a week (every Saturday morning)
~Allowed myself 1 free day (Saturday), I can eat/drink anything I want BUT I still do so within reason.....like I don't eat butter on my free day but I will have 1 small piece of chocolate, or 2 slices of pizza for lunch or maybe a nice piece of lasagna for dinner....something different......
~ Keep in mind alcohol slows downs the metabolism. When I first started I would have a drink or two on my free day but after a while I decided it wasn't worth the calories so I hardly had anything during the last 6 months or so.......trust me there have been days that I have a few drinks but it's not a weekly thing. Maybe when I'm at goal and maintaining ok for a while I'll add in a glass of red wine a couple nights a week....it's healthy

~ Write down EVERYTHING you eat/drink
~ Drink PLENTY of water!
Well hope that helps some........
PM me if you have questions or want to chat about it.
Good Luck!
on 4/26/09 2:14 am
After reading The China Study I found info in a book by Dr. Caldwell Esseystyne and then Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I'm eating whole foods with no added fat. I never knew there was fat in fruits and vegetables such as lettuce - there is no need to add any additional fat such as olive oil or butter to our die - fat is just empty calories. I eat vegetables, both raw salads and cooked (often in soup) and lots of fruit. I have at least a cup of beans/legumes a day (black bean burritos, baked beans, garbanzo beans in salad, minestrone soup). I limit my starchy vegetables and grains, nuts etc. to only one serving a day. I'm not eating any animal products but my diet allows them in small amounts. I also don't eat any between meals snacks (haven't felt I needed to which is weird) and no fruit juice. I'm full and losing quick. I'm using it to lose weight but I will continue on this for life. It does allow you to eat a cookie or other treats each day if you really need one but I don't find I want them.