What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud? Post Easter
In honor of Biggest Loser Day, I plan to go and sweat my toockuss off!

I just read your post and how much weight you have lost.

Around here we talk about loving yourself alla the time. It was easy for me to be filled with self loathing at 320 pounds, but it wasn't until I was able to believe that I was worth the hard work that I was able to lose and keep it off.
Best wishes on your continuing journey. Stick around and join the losers around here. We have a lot of fun and we get and give a lot of support. OH! Big question around these parts...do you watch the Biggest Loser??? It's not required, but for some reason, we discuss it a lot here.

How's induction treating you? Hope you had a good Easter!
Hmmph...Induction is treating me like a redheaded stepchild! I'm still maintaining my weight loss though, 1/2 pound.
That's the difference from where you are and where I'm at. You can lose ten pounds in a week when you hunker down, and I hunker waaaaay down and only lose 1/2 pound. But I'm just as happy with mine as you are when you lose yours cuz in terms of struggling, we're both in the same place.
Glad to hear that you are getting off your assets and working around the house. Being organized is good for the soul and saves you time and hassle of finding things. Jus****ch ya back. Ibuprofen is good for gardening ailments...believe me I should know!
I'm so glad to hear that you have a dieting partner, especially one that is willing to NAG you! Sometimes, that's a good thing cuz I heard you almost cheated already. Now remember, if you've made a pact to lose weight together, you are not just accountable to yourself anymore, you are also accountable to the nagger. I wish I would have had one....all I had were people trying to bring me back over to the dark side!
With all this gawgus weather, it's a great time to be on a diet...when we aren't so cooped up and stuck around food all day.
Glad your back!