What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?
Hi Mary & All!
Easter candy does not tempt me whatsoever...however easter Baking may kill me.
Our weather is also bluebird weather. I have been biking up a storm! Went down to a town 12+ miles away to GS ball game on Saturday. Was 80ish minutes. Then on Monday night, I had to run an errand back at the car dealer, about 90 minutes on a work night!
I hope to go again tonight.
My proud for 4-7-09: going to my music lesson AND power step aerobics!
Bonus: doing my fitday journal and even upgrade to Premium member for even more reports, better speed. I have one full week's worth of data. i will paste in the link and all who care to look, may do so! That is my accountability job. I have not been as good about that for almost a year - and I did put on weight. So, I need to get back into the swing.
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
