I'mmm baaaack yet again
Good girl! This is what it takes...to never give up. The measure of a successful person is not in how many times she may fail but how she responds to the failures.
Stand back up, my sister!
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
Kimmie just posted about negative behaviors, and what I've noticed about a lot of the people on this board is that you can tell when they are not on plan because they quit posting. It seems to me that is when you need to post the most! Hang in there Sweetie, we won't yell at you like Jillian would.
Now listen very carefully ya li'l ho..."Step AWAY from the Butterfinger"!!! Candy is for children, so tell that little brat that lives in your head to 'Shut the Hell Up'. Someone has to be the adult in your brain, and unfortunately for your body...that's YOU! Good Lawd what a scary thought. Chris in charge of his own inner child. That's like the immature leading the immature!
Soldier up Dude and put on your big girl drawze! Butterfinger addiction ain't easy to shake, but I have faith that you can do this if you put your ass in gear and get busy with the hard work. I'm going to research a twelve step program for Butterfinger addiction in your area. Don't worry Brother, we're going to take up a collection to pay your dues. You'll be clean in no time!