Self Esteem Test
VSG on 06/04/15
Heather, don't take me the wrong way, but I just read your response and I had to chuckle at the hair on your legs don't grow fast. That was just too cute.
I personally have to say I read one good quality about you that most women don't possess anymore and that is loyalty. That right there is why I do not have any girlfriends anymore. I would LOVE to have a friend, but been burned way too many times in the past by females. Please don't take that lightly, because that is one of the most precious qualities a woman can have. That makes you SO much more of a woman than most out there. :)
VSG on 06/04/15
VSG on 06/04/15
Yep, your getting fixed! Our new mission is to reprogram your brain with positive thinking about yasself. Dieting is stressful, and if you don't think you are worth the stress, you will never make it through the hard times. The plan is to make you see that you are worth it.
But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures and if we think a trip to the vet is necessary...I got no problem with that!
But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures and if we think a trip to the vet is necessary...I got no problem with that!

VSG on 06/04/15
Please, not the vet!! lol I'm in a better mind set than last night, and you'll be happy to know that I'm (finally) back on plan. I'm gonna be posting my meals like a good girl, and I've even been looking for a used excersise bike...don't have much money, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! I have one of those gazelle thingys, and I'm gonna drag that out (it's been in my garage for 3 years!), dust it off and see if now that I've lost some weight my hips fit in the stupid thing. I could use that. I'm not expecting any goal is just a few minutes at a time several times during the day/night. I'll work up from there. Assuming my hips fit, and I don't break it... I think it's only rated for 250lbs...hmm, hope those cables are strong!! LOL
YES! She Back On Plan...She's Back On Plan.
Hey, until you get your bike, you could try marching in place and swinging your arms while slightly holding in your gut. I know that may not sound like much, but you'd be surprised how much of a workout that can be, especially when you're not used to working out...and no weight restrictions.

Hey, until you get your bike, you could try marching in place and swinging your arms while slightly holding in your gut. I know that may not sound like much, but you'd be surprised how much of a workout that can be, especially when you're not used to working out...and no weight restrictions.

I agree (I'm the one to talk right), when I was losing weight before I not only worked out, but I always caught myself just "moving". Even in the shower I would catch myself doing stretches. I know..sort of weird, but I did it and I swear it helped. Hmm note to self eh?lol It's so much easier said than done isn't it. :) Good luck on the searching for a bike! I recommend a recumbent bike if you are hesitant on the seat fitting very good. I got a big butt and just hated the idea of not being ablle to be comfortable. I tell ya, I LOVE my recumbent bike. It makes a world of difference when you are heavier I think. But then again, you are a lot younger than me too! :)