Change...Are You Capable?

on 2/14/09 3:00 am

diet plan 

Look at these ladies.  What a transformation, no?  We all look at them and wish that could be us.  Wouldn't we be thrilled to have these bodies?  You betcha sweet toockuss!

But let's examine how they got from fat to fab in a blink of an eye...well that's what it looks like flashing here!  The secret to their success is that they all made a HUGE CHANGE in their lifestyles.  They went from stuffing their faces with whatever they wanted, when they wanted it, and however much they wanted, to eating food in proportion and for nutritional value.  They educated themselves on healthy eating.  It's basically going back to school to learn a whole different way to eat.  It was hard work, but they put in their time, and fab was the pay off.

They went from being couch potatoes with a million excuses why they didn't have time to exercise, to practically being obsessed with, when will I be able to fit in my workout.  It made them feel so empowered and strong that missing it is like missing your first cup of coffee in the morning...oh wait, that's just me!

They went from listening to, and buying into, all of the negative garbage floating in their brains that said that change was not possible for them, it was better just to learn to deal with the status quo and try to be happy where they were.  Have you ever met one three hundred pound person who was happy where they were?  See, that dawg don't bark. 

My point is, to get from fat to ____( insert magical number ), it takes a lot of work, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  When you've done all of the right things and gone through all of your trials and tribulations and come to the point of are not going to be the same person you are now.  You will be a completely different you.  A better, successful, stronger, more fit, healthier YOU.

My question is...what is your "capacity for change"?  Are you looking forward to the new successful you, who made it through, or are you holding yourself back in the land of "fear of the unknown"?  The place where "what ifs" rule.  What if I can't handle the changes in me?  What if people judge me?  What if I try and fail?  What if I'm not smart enough?  What if I won't like the new me?

Let me just say this.  Until you are ready to go through the changes, and know deep down in your heart that they are positive and will be good for you, being on a diet will be pure hell.


on 2/14/09 3:55 am - san bernardino, CA
I soooo needed this today! I have been known to be a big What iffer! and I have been experiencing some of those old fears of what if I fail again? what if I dont really make it, or what if I do and then gain  it all back, But I am willing to change, And I am willing to push through those fears and negative voices in my head and do what is right!  Through God's help and support from family and friends, this includes my OH pals, I can and I WILL do this!! 
on 2/14/09 4:18 am
Don'cha just hate the land of "what ifs"?  It's such a negative place to go to at a time when we need to be in a positive place like...the realm of possibilities.  Like, is it possible for my bones to fit into size ten pants?  I guess we'll see when we get there.  Or, is it possible to maintain this weight loss?  Of course it is, if I learn enough about myself when I am losing, and realize that these changes are for the rest of my life, not just until I lose the weight.

But I'm not worried boutcha cuz you seem to be on the way positive side of the change-o-meter, and you're working hard to get r done.  Tell those little negative voices that they are soooo the old you!

on 2/14/09 5:22 am - san bernardino, CA
 thank you Mary! Happy Valentines day!
Neecee O.
on 2/14/09 5:37 am - CA

Great post!!!!! The very idea of the Capacity for Change is most awesome.

I will add to this whole chain the line in the Eagles song Take It Easy: "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains...and we never even know we held the key"

The key exists - we only have to identify where in our lives we need it most. Then the task is to name what action steps to take. Most of us usually need to learn about a WOE or an exercise plan and then humbly do it that way - and only that way - until we get it right.

I am also reminded of the Celebrity Rehab crew:  those people have been to a rehab like 10-15 times!  Dr. Drew gently shows them that the real problem is that they don't really want to change - don't really want to things so very differently than when they were actively addicted. Partly they don't really believe they can be any other way.

Fatchicks are the exact. same. way. If you cannot truly affect change, somewhere not so deep down - you must not really want it. Why?

Can you at least entertain the notion that you CAN be different? That is where it starts.

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."   ~Mark Twain

on 2/14/09 8:23 am

Necee-- I was just listening to that song last night! Now I'm going to have to replay it and listen more closely because I love what you just said.  

Gotta love the Eagles. :)  

on 2/14/09 9:19 am
Holl, Blushy 3 try listening to 'Already Gone' instead.

on 2/14/09 12:53 pm
Neecee, very interesting about the rehabbers not wanting to change.  I can see where they don't think that they are that bad off and only go to rehab when they get busted for drugs and have their mugshots in the tabloids.  At least we get the benefit of looking better!

on 2/14/09 8:19 am

So that is what I'm on eh....the "pure hell diet".   Makes pretty good sense, think I'm gonna start calling it that.,lol  

"Capacity for change".....Well I'm not gonna talk much on this one because we all know I do not like to feel deprived.  But what's so aggrevating is how bad I want to change.  I'm not scared of any of the changes, I don't think any way.  Although failing does lead to a big disappointment for me.  I don't like looking bad to my family.  That actually is one thing that I would LOVE to change.  I have noticed my kids even look at me and tell me that "wow've actually been on this diet for three weeks."  Now that is pretty pathetic in my eyes, and although they mean well, they have know idea what that meant to me.  So I guess maybe I have more changes to work on than I initially thought.  

Mind frame...that for me is a big, HUMONGOUS one.  If my mind is not set and if I do not feel strong, I seem to fail.  This past week I've been thinking of a few things some people have said.  One was Kim who said I seemed to be an all or nothing type of gal.  Which in my eyes I do NOT want to be and I keep fighting it.  I guess that just goes back to being deprived. :)  Hmmphhh  LOL.  It's a visous circle, how wonder it's a "diet of pure hell"!! hehe  But for me anyway I'm slowly realizing it, just not sure how to put it in place yet with my family. 

Good post!

on 2/14/09 1:30 pm

"The Pure Hell Diet".  Too Funny Girl, you so crayzee!

Back in the day, I used to hate being deprived of white bread, that's why I hated Atkins.  But once I became more nutritionally aware, I found out that it had no nutritional value and would raise my insulin levels, which then turned to fat.  So I gave it up, and since I don't care for dark bread, I have no problem with other things to put my 'stuff' in.


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