Failure with CPAP machine last night
Last night I tried to sleep with my new CPAP machine, and ended up getting only 3 hours sleep, and feeling lousy and sleep-deprived today. I found myself feeling terribly anxious after I put the mask on, and I was worried about leakage and found the air too cold, and kept having sleep apnea type episodes, like nodding off and abruptly waking up again. After talking with a Praxair representative at one something in the morning, I took a sleeping pill at his suggestion, and got to sleep finally, feeling terribly disappointed today with my experience.
Has anybody else using a CPAP machine for the first time had a similar experience to mine? I also suspect that my claustrophobia was acting up, since the mask over my nose is a large one.
Denise Phares/kitties4
Heather gave you some great insight. Don't be hard on yourself...for most it takes time and tweaking to get the right setup. Frankly I went through 5 masks and two different machines before I could be considered a "success" story. Are you a mouth breather? If not, you might want to try a nasal mask, or better yet nasal pillows. I have a crazy looking mask that goes over my head so no straps on my face at all. Now it took me a couple weeks to get comfortable with wearing a mask. You may want to try putting the mask on a 1/2 hour before bed to get more acclamated to it. Also, I found white noise and giving myself pep talks also helped. If you feel the pressure is too much, use the ramp setting you have on your machine. Also, do you have a heated humidifier? If not, it's a MUST. It will help to heat the air so it's not too cold. Plus you'll need it so your nasal passages don't get so dried out. I'm going to PM you two different forums to check out. They were a godsend to me when I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea.
On Friday night, I took an Ambien (sleeping pill) 45 minutes before I went to bed, and set up the machine 1/2 hour before, making sure the humidifier was set on warm. Once I put the mask on, I went right to sleep, and slept until morning light Saturday, without having to get up even once to go to the bathroom. I felt more rested, but not as rested as I did with the CPAP on the sleep study. I made breakfast for me and my husband, and then filled the humidifier with water again (it was empty), warmed it up for at least a half hour, and put it on again. There was no claustrophobia, but the nose piece made a knocking noise just about every time I breathed in, and I noticed symptoms of apnea still there (stopped breathing, etc.). I took everything off, cleaned it all, but could not figure out how to put the nose piece back together. I tried calling Paxair, but nobody is there on the weekend, so I was told to call the salesman back on Monday (today). I did, and he called me back, and said he'd stop by on Tuesday, February 17th to check out my machine.
I'll have to see what happens. I did have to use tap water instead of distilled water the first two nights, so I wonder if that is why the machine malfunctioned. He told me I could use tap water, but now I wonder if I should have waited until Saturday to use it, when distilled water was available.
Thank you for your concern and support.
Denise Phares/kitties4

Definitely use distilled and not tap water. Please be sure to clean your humidifier well because tap water can leave build up deposits, hence why we should always use distilled if available.
I don't think the water should be the reason for the sounds. If this happens again, check your mask. You may have condensation in it. When mine gets back it sounds like a popcorn popper, I kid you not. The reason this happens is the humidifier may be up higher and the room cooler, causing the condensation. OR, it could be due to the type of mask...mine is more suseptable to condensation than others due to the design of it.
Now try out the machine and keep track of how you are feeling. For me, the first pressure they had me on didn't work. I started out at a straight 14 and then it was upped to 16. After that didn't work and knowing I was losing weight, my dr. changed my machine from a CPAP to an auto CPAP. Now I started out at a 12-17, then went to a 13-17, and finally once it was changed to a 14-17 I found the perfect pressure and felt more rested. Now that I've lost 150 lbs I'm down to a pressure range of 7-9. Even one pressure point up or down can make a huge difference. Again, try this pressure for 2-4 weeks (or whatever your dr. suggested). If you still feel tired, then request an adjustment.
Please let us know how you are doing.
Wishing you all the best,