How the Hell Are You?
I SUCK.. but glad to see you are healing, Mary........ you'll be out there kickin' azz and taking names before ya know it!
Honestly...I don't know why I'm here. Seems as though all my effort for the last.. almost year.. has been in vain.. I'm no better off than I was last March. I went up to 225 again today. I'm on my way out to buy eggs.. and I'm just gonna eat egg yolks for a week. If I don't do something.. I'll be back up to 325 before I know it.
I'm pretty desperate here.
I've slowed up on working out considerably. Yanno.. the defnition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and over again.. expecting a different result.
Honestly...I don't know why I'm here. Seems as though all my effort for the last.. almost year.. has been in vain.. I'm no better off than I was last March. I went up to 225 again today. I'm on my way out to buy eggs.. and I'm just gonna eat egg yolks for a week. If I don't do something.. I'll be back up to 325 before I know it.
I'm pretty desperate here.
I've slowed up on working out considerably. Yanno.. the defnition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and over again.. expecting a different result.
Hey Monkey!!! It's great to hear from you.
And you SO don't suck! If you sucked, I wouldn't think you were cool, and I happen to think you are one of the coolest people EVER.
But even cool people have issues with their bodies, you just haven't found the solution to your problem, yet.
I know I wasn't on this board back when you started your diet, but is there any reason you don't do the Atkins diet the way it is written in the book? That would be something different and might shake things up???
How goes your love life...and I'm not talkin' bout Bob!
I did do atkins as written until the weight loss stopped.. then I started cutting out more carbs.. getting them as close to 0 as possible.
Also, I react (blood sugar) to a lot of stuff... I try to keep THOSE particular veggies out of my life. I really don't know where else to go.
and ps.. I haven't seen BOB since I started seeing David a couple of months ago!
Also, I react (blood sugar) to a lot of stuff... I try to keep THOSE particular veggies out of my life. I really don't know where else to go.
and ps.. I haven't seen BOB since I started seeing David a couple of months ago!

Hello Mary. I am glad to see that you are doing well. You'll be back to your ole self in no time.
As for me, Im strugglin seems to be no surprise these days. I have 2 wedding to go to and the summer quickly approaching but, I feel there is something that makes me feel like I dont deserve it and its holding me back. But, anyway!! Ive just been feeding myself with excuses as usual. I need to find what it was that got me going 2 months ago and get back on. Ive posted a couple food posts but, I just fell off again. But, anyway.... Great to hear from ya, Talk with soon.
As for me, Im strugglin seems to be no surprise these days. I have 2 wedding to go to and the summer quickly approaching but, I feel there is something that makes me feel like I dont deserve it and its holding me back. But, anyway!! Ive just been feeding myself with excuses as usual. I need to find what it was that got me going 2 months ago and get back on. Ive posted a couple food posts but, I just fell off again. But, anyway.... Great to hear from ya, Talk with soon.
Hey you, I'm sorry to hear that you have been struggling. It's been two weeks today since my surgery so it's my first day back on Atkins Induction after not being on any plan. It sucks! So I totally understand where you are coming from when you say you are struggling.
We need to explore that bidness about you not being deserving of a gawgus new you!!! Start spilling your guts Sister or that voice inside your head will win everytime and you'll never get past it. Woman, you deserve the best body that you can possibly have and that's that. You just need to do the head work to get you there. So...this feeling of not deserving it, what's it saying is the reason you don't deserve it?
We need to explore that bidness about you not being deserving of a gawgus new you!!! Start spilling your guts Sister or that voice inside your head will win everytime and you'll never get past it. Woman, you deserve the best body that you can possibly have and that's that. You just need to do the head work to get you there. So...this feeling of not deserving it, what's it saying is the reason you don't deserve it?
The feeling inside is telling me I dont deserve it because I have other things to worry about and do, I dont have time for ME. Actually I needed to hear that I do deserve it . My husband is supportive of me but not a vocal about it. I have to ask him, or if I eat something naughty he'll tell me (in a trying to help me kind of way) that I am going to just gain the weight back by eating that, but other than that he doesnt tell me I deserve it. I dont think he thinks I dont deserve it, I just think he wants me to do it on my own (Which I do everything on my own) which adds to the not deserving voices. I dont wanna be the mom that when my kids grow up and have their own lives, is sitting around the house waiting for them to call and need me. I am an out going person and dont wanna lose that, because when my kids go off to college I will only be in my early 40's and will have another 20+ years to enjoy life with my husband. I got married and started having children at 19 years. I married my high school sweetheart and honestly never lived life. I LOVE my life but do not love ME, so at this point I have to work on that. Oh my, Ive really let it out. I think that this disease can be psychological and like any other disease has to do with things that we are battling inside and need confort.
Trisha Jane
Yep, weight loss is just as much dealing with our emotional issues as it is diet and exercise. If we don't recognize WHY we need the food, we'll never be able to say no to the food.
So, it sounds like you have a great life, but that it takes everything you have. Don't feel so all alone Sweetie, it happens to most woman. That's why God made love blind, so we don't think about what we're getting ourselves in for! Like becoming a reasonable adult who's responsibilities become something so different from what we're used to, that we leave ourselves behind to become a totally different person that we hardly recognize.
But just because you are a great wife and Mommy, it doesn't mean that your body gets to be ignored because of this. It actually means you need to be in top physical shape to keep up with these people. So if anybody deserves the time and effort it takes to keep your body running like a well oiled machine, it's you. Actually, your family owes that to you if they expect you to have anything to give them without breaking down! If this means getting your DH to watch the kids for an hour while you take care of your workouts, then that's a great bonding time for him and the kids. Everybody needs to workout to maintain their health whether they are fat or skinny, married or single, have kids or not. But you getting the job done is strictly up to you! Don't expect your husband to say I'm taking the kids to play in the park so you can exercise...those words don't exist in the mouth of an "untrained" husband. He's not a mind reader, it's up to you to let him know what he needs to do and when it needs doing. And don't you dare feel guilty about that...they're his kids, too!
I love that saying...If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Teach your family what it's going to take to make Mama happy! You DESERVE it!
So, it sounds like you have a great life, but that it takes everything you have. Don't feel so all alone Sweetie, it happens to most woman. That's why God made love blind, so we don't think about what we're getting ourselves in for! Like becoming a reasonable adult who's responsibilities become something so different from what we're used to, that we leave ourselves behind to become a totally different person that we hardly recognize.
But just because you are a great wife and Mommy, it doesn't mean that your body gets to be ignored because of this. It actually means you need to be in top physical shape to keep up with these people. So if anybody deserves the time and effort it takes to keep your body running like a well oiled machine, it's you. Actually, your family owes that to you if they expect you to have anything to give them without breaking down! If this means getting your DH to watch the kids for an hour while you take care of your workouts, then that's a great bonding time for him and the kids. Everybody needs to workout to maintain their health whether they are fat or skinny, married or single, have kids or not. But you getting the job done is strictly up to you! Don't expect your husband to say I'm taking the kids to play in the park so you can exercise...those words don't exist in the mouth of an "untrained" husband. He's not a mind reader, it's up to you to let him know what he needs to do and when it needs doing. And don't you dare feel guilty about that...they're his kids, too!
I love that saying...If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Teach your family what it's going to take to make Mama happy! You DESERVE it!
You are absolutley right. And the DH has the day off tomarrow, so it will be a great time to head out the door as he is comming in and go for a walk. (He works 3rd shift) It only takes me 30min. or so for my walk. You are right about the DH not reading my mind, I am not a push over by any means and I tell him (usually not ask) him everything anyway. But, as a mother and house wife its natural for me to feel guilty if I am giving my duties over to the hubby, although they are his kids too. But that is gonna change, hes wants me to be happy, well an hour to myself to exercise will make me really happy!!! Iam glad you posted that before I went to bed, cause I WILL wake up with a new mindset cause I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY!! Thats gonna be what I will tell myself everytime I wanna eat bad, or trying to make an excuse to not exercise. Thanks Mary!! Have I told you I loved you latley??? Well I do!! 