How the Hell Are You?

I gained eight pounds after surgery, but I attribute that to the lipo fluids they inject. Now I'm down to three pounds to lose, but that should be gone shortly. My DH thinks that surgery is a great reason to go off plan and pig out. Me, not so much. So although I haven't been on plan, I haven't been sitting here eating cake all day either. For that, I am proud!
So what have you guys been up to and how goes your journeys?
Hey stranger, glad to see ya back.
Not much going on here. I've had a house of sickness this past week and in the middle of the night it finally caught up to me, after I've been literally fighting with finally won. So I've been laying back doing much of nothing but house stuff and taking care of sick people.
Ive also as of this morning lost six pounds of my ten yo yo pounds...once again. :) hehe I told my husband last night I wonder how many times I have actually lost this dang ten I'm assuming the number is quite high. I've been laying off so many carbs and seeing how that works for me...instead of actually doing a plan or counting calories. Ya know I hate being told what to do. :) So far so good! I've been a little research hound this past week on the stuff!

I hope you and your sickos are better soon,

I'm sure I'll not learn anything you don't already know yourself....Miss Atkins Queen. I just know I hate plans, and really hate the calorie counting. I love researching, and low carb is always one I've been very scared of. I always like to keep an open mind, so I'm REALLY trying to understand it all with the low carb and high fat intake. I have read numerous things before, but it usually goes straight in and out immediatley. It's like I have been drilled that low fat intake, and lots of fruits and veggies is the only way to go...period.
All I know is that I have been eating a little lower intake of carbs and a little higher intake of fat (althoug it's making me cringe), I am actually feeling pretty good. I seem to be breathing better, although it's really early to tell too though. Thought I might as well experiment a little...what can it hurt...and it seems like I'm dropping the pounds a little faster..even my good ol ten pound friend. :)
I'm trying!