Heather S.
on 2/2/09 5:51 am
VSG on 06/04/15
I've been having female problems for the past couple years, but haven't been diagnosed with anything. I just had an appointment with my ob/gyn and she thinks I have pcos...that diagnosis came after looking at my chart and talking to me, no exam or anything (not that I'm complaining about that!) And I will have an complete pelvic ultrasound at the end of the month...I was just wondering if anyone knows how they diagnose pcos? From what she said, any abnormal bleeding that they can't find a cause for is labeled pcos, but that doesn't sound right to me. She also thinks that my problems are mostly due to my weight. I know morbid obesity causes alot of problems, but I'm down to the weight I was when the problems first started, with no change. Just wondering if maybe she's prejudice about weight/fat people. She had alot to say about my weight when I was pregnant with my daughter in '03, and I was 80 lbs lighter then. I dunno. I just want to know whats wrong with me. I don't know anythig about pcos, so I'm gonna research it tonight after my classes and see what I can find out. If anyone has any advice or knowledge, I'd be gratefull to hear it!

HW: 460 (12/18/14) SW: 419 (6/4/15) CW: 330 (10/19/15) Mini goal: 319 by 10/4/15

on 2/2/09 9:51 am
Yeah this past year my doctor did a test on me for PCOS.  I went to the doctor because I had this lump on my armpit but he noticed that skin was darker there.  So here are the symptoms that are warning signs (that I remember):

Darker skin pigment around your neck, armpit and other private areas
Irregular periods (I want to say blood clots have something to do with it but that's just my opnion I don't remember if it's a fact)
body hair (ie facial, breast, tummy etc)
deeper voice

This freaked me out because I had quite a few of the symptoms and a family history of PCOS so I know how much it can affect you.  My mother had it and once they put her on hormone replacement therapy life got interesting (and it stayed that way for years!)   My test for PCOS was just a blood test, but the pelvic ultrasound is the most common because it can show signs of cysts.  However you don't have to have cysts to have PCOS.   Personally I think that people that are overweight (like myself) are just more likely to have the symptoms.  I hope I didn't go overboard there, but if you have more questions feel free to ask and hopefully I will have an answer. 
Heather S.
on 2/2/09 12:30 pm
VSG on 06/04/15
Ok, I'm not sure this helps, the only symptom I have is irregular periods w/clotting. I've had depression and acne since puberty, and I've been obese since I was 7. I havn't had any infertility issues, I got pregnant with my daughter while on the pill. My doctor did draw blood, but didn't tell me what tests she was gonna run, other than to get my iron levels (I've been bleeding pretty much 24/7 for 5 mths, and two years ago when this happened I had to have a blood transfusion because my iron levels were so low) 

HW: 460 (12/18/14) SW: 419 (6/4/15) CW: 330 (10/19/15) Mini goal: 319 by 10/4/15

Neecee O.
on 2/2/09 12:07 pm - CA
Miz Mary is the PCOS queen here! She gets the last word.

What I hate when I read about PCOS is how they mention weight as a cuse, but in the same sentence say the weight gain is an effect of having it. One cure ALWAYS listed is lose the weight - like that is going to happen when all systems are basically fighting you to put more on.

It does feel just too easy to blame fat people, doesn't it?

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."   ~Mark Twain

Heather S.
on 2/2/09 12:23 pm
VSG on 06/04/15
Alright, Mary! Where are you?? I need your help!! 

HW: 460 (12/18/14) SW: 419 (6/4/15) CW: 330 (10/19/15) Mini goal: 319 by 10/4/15

on 2/2/09 2:29 pm
Hey Sweet Baby, before you go gettin' your knickers in an uproar about having PCOS, remember that the S stands for syndrome, which is doc speak for we don't know everything there is to know, so we lump everyone in the same category.  There are varying degrees of this syndrome...mild to severe.  The longer it goes untreated, the more severe the symptoms.  From what you are describing, your symptoms don't sound so severe.  And low carb diet and exercise are the best ways to control this syndrome and you are losing weight with Atkins, so you are already ahead of the game. 

About weight and PCOS, not everyone with it is overweight!  Not everyone who has a ring of pearls around their ovaries has PCOS, and yet that is what pelvic ultrasound you are getting will determine.  These docs have an abundance of ignorance on the subject, so they only treat the symptoms.  One of the harshest symptoms is infertility, you don't have a problem with it.  If your periods are irregular, they put you on birth control pills to regulate them.  Insulin resistance is also part of the syndrome, so low carb is the best way to prevent type two diabetes.

They will also test your testosterone levels to see if they are high, which to me is the real culprit for the cause of PCOS.  When the androgen levels are out of whack in a female, I liken that to someone being on steroids...you get BIG.  Women weren't made to have that much male hormone!  


This site has some great information, but I started you on this page because reading it all at once can be overwhelming.  Let me know if you have anymore questions.  I try to keep up on the latest and greatest.  LOL, I got my doc to put me on Metformin before he even knew insulin resistance was a PCOS symptom!

 Big Hug Mary
Heather S.
on 2/2/09 2:45 pm
VSG on 06/04/15
Thanks Mary!   I'm trying not to freak out too much about this, I talked to my mom and, even though she'd never heard of it, she calmed me down telling me to just wait and see if the medicine works, and what they find out with the blood tests and ultrasound. I read up on what webmd.com had to say about pcos, and the biggest thing they stressed was weightloss, excersise, and a balanced diet. Well I'm working on that, so you're right, that has to be a plus in my favor. I have a friend who is having similar problems, and her doctor said she might need a histerectomy. She's my age, and it scared the crud out of me, cuase I want more babies (eventually, if I ever meet mr. right) I don't want surgery. I'm gonna check out that website, I'll let ya know when I have more questions....   Thanks so much Mary!! 

HW: 460 (12/18/14) SW: 419 (6/4/15) CW: 330 (10/19/15) Mini goal: 319 by 10/4/15

on 2/2/09 9:48 pm
From what you described you probably don't have it either... =)
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