What am I doing?
I know how you feel - I'm there now, too. I had accumulated 290 days of abstinence, and broke it this week, after having some old emotional issues come up following a colonoscopy. I finally had a pain-free colonoscopy, and I called the other doctor who gave me an excruciatingly painful one three years ago, and unleashed my anger on his receptionist. Then I traced this anger I had at that doctor to my anger at my dead father, who put me through excruciatingly painful emotional pain from childhood on.
I wrote about this pain, shared it with my husband, then proceeded to eat over it, instead of staying on track with my food. I took back all the bad behaviors I had worked so hard to let go of, and feel unwilling right now to give them up again.
Denise Phares/kitties4
I love you all!