What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud? About This Site
Yanno, I came here because when I had started reconstructive surgery, the plastic surgery site I was on was geared to Barbie who was having a Mommy Makeover. I certainly had nothing in common with them when I was having massive amounts of skin and fat removed and my recovery was NOTHING like theirs. So when I found a PS site where everyone had been morbidly obese, I felt like the uglee duckling had turned into a swan! Yes...my people!
But it's like Beautiful_Loser said, we come here because the other sites on the web are geared to people with twenty pounds to lose. This place is geared to the morbidly obese. Yes...my people!
Me, I'm proud to be here, and I'm proud that allayall are here with me!
P.S. One last little rant. How come none of us are ever featured in the before and after shots that you run your mouse over to see the after? Just sayin'.
It is insinuated, not promoted straightforwardly WLS is the center goal here. The name of the site is obesityhelp, not weightlosssurgeryhelp, so it would seem that our lil ole piece of real estate would be the gatekeeping forum. Okay, even if it was decied that Main Board was that, we should be like one of the first stops. Food for thought, eh????
Til you brought it up, I was happy being second class 'round here. But really when ya think on it....
I am and will be, regardless, happy to be here to help, to learn more. For the trillionth time, thanks y'all for being here. Even if you lurk, i hope one of us has made you stop once and think about how you can change your life. Pay it forward, whether here or in your 3D life: we need each other.
Today proud? Got our bills paid a job I always somehow dread, Xmas and all told, we spent right about $400 bucks on that - about half of what we did last year. And so thanks, economic downturn for this consciousness to be thoughtful on spending and think more about time spent together.
I am rolling over strategies on how to conduct myself financially this year: what can I do differently to increase net worth. Gambling has sucked down more than I am willing to throw at it any more: I mean I spent in the last couple months about $150 at these fool Indian joints on that for nothing - it only depressed me. I coulda had an after Xmas shopping spree that would have at least been something to show for it.
One thing I need to do is rethink how much I spend at the bariatric doc - those are charges on my card that I need to delete. I am at my drawing board to get this weight off without that amount of moola.
m - kay i am rambling now....
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
And as for you being a second class citizen on OH, your first class all of the way on this board!
Mary, I am laughing at your experience at the Barbie's getting Mommy Makeovers. I would totally feel like a fish out of water myself in a crowd like that. There's such a big difference from getting a few vanity pounds lipo'ed and having undergone a major weight loss transformation. Not to be a jerk but, getting into a bikini after a 100+ lb. weight loss, and getting into a bikini so you can be the hottest soccer mom at your kid's pool party, are two totally different things. One is about health, fitness and accomplishment and the other is just straight up vanity. Well that's how I see it! Nothing wrong with being vain, if thats what floats their boat (everyone needs a hobby) but I can definitely see myself in a situation like that thinking ... these people have no idea what I have endured to get to this point, or what I have to deal with in the future, including surgery recovery and lifelong maintenance.
And Neecee about those fool indian joints you gambled at ... maybe the trip, fun and walking you did while there was worth the money you paid? Just trying to put a positive spin on it. (lol)
And YES before and after pix should DEFINITELY be up of EVERYONE at OH who has lost major poundage. Those pictures are SO MOTIVATING... I love seeing them. I really think that the folks at OH would be more than happy to show them. Like you said Neecee, this is about OBESITY HELP. You know there are a LOT of morbidly obese people who cannot get surgery because of blood pressure issues, diabetes (surgery concerns), if they are too heavy or if their insurance refuses to cover it and they can't afford it otherwise.(In other words, people with other reasons for going non-surgical besides being chicken like me. ) What else are these people to do? Just be told "Oh--sorry, now you're screwed!" from the an obesity help website? lol .... no. The morbidly obese can lose weight without surgery, its not impossible.
PS: You will notice i did not say I was going to QUIT!
And to you...yes, you CAN change your life...and good for you, at times it is not only "just this day" I can be strong but for "the next 20 minutes i can walk past ____"
We're here for you! And as far as re-joining things we may have tried - maybe this time we are ready to listen and do what we need to do. WW is great; i am seriously thinking that is what I will do next.
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
Hey, speaking of the Barbie's getting Mommy Makeovers site, none of them had ever heard of a lower body lift. That's like a tummy tuck all the way around. They couldn't believe that anyone would ever need such a thing! When I got over here, it was standard procedure.
I hope you do great on WW!
I think I can honestly say I'm really not proud of anything I've done today. Alright, I paid my car bill, but that's as far as it goes.
I woke up late today and ate and orange and yogurt for breakfast. Then had to run errands and by the time I got done it was dinner time. So ya know what that means, oodles of points left. So what did we do, dh also had tons of points left so stopped at a fast food place to use them. Thing is I still even have more to use. I know I didn't plan it well today, AT ALL. So bah humbug.lol
Yea, I'm still in an icky mood. Just not happy with myself lately. But tomorrows a new day. Weird thing is, I almost feel like I'm learning something from this. I'm fighting with myself so much this week over this when normally I wouldn't. I'm going on it's a GOOD THING! :)
on 1/2/09 11:57 am - Rochester, NY
What I AM proud of is my beautiful family. My son and his wife and my almost 1 year old granddaughter spent the last 10 days with us and it's been a loving, hectic, crazy, warm, snuggly (with baby) experience. Oh, I forgot to mention their almost 100lb golden retriever came with them. I've done more entertaining in the last 10 days than in the last six months but it's been having the whole fam damily together....house full of rambunctious kids....dogs....wonderful aromas....Christmas lights and music....laughter....memories. They left this morning and are home safely in KY again. We had all the grandkids together and the cousins and their kids and enjoyed our winter wonderland together.
I have one more bout of entertaining tomorrow night with our best friends (two couples)....will be our New Year's Eve celebration with tenderloin, lobster tails, King Crab and a night of game playing and laughter and shared good times. I really treasure these friendships. Accompanied my best friend to a recheck of her mammogram today (suspicious area from the first one) and thankfully it was a benign cyst....shared her tears of fear beforehand and tears of joy following the good news.
It's been a hectic two weeks but looking forward to a weekend of football playoffs and a little lounging around doing nothing and then ready to buckle down for the good fight of 2009. I'm proud that I have all these loving relationships in my life....and tonight Bill and I got to take a drive and see all the beautiful Christmas lights with a fresh snowfall (and some peace and quiet)...just the two of us.