its so upsetting
on 1/1/09 2:58 am
I know it's hard but every time you are able to resist temptation and stay on your plan, it makes you feel really good and feels like a huge accomplishment. Doing that consistently not only provides positive reinforcement but it also starts becoming a habit.
Cook the baked chicken, brown rice, broccoli and black eyed peas and eat that instead of the quesadillas. You will be much more satisfied - both physically and emotionally. The victory of not giving in to your addiction will feel good. Start working on trying to figure out why you are addicted to food. Long-term maintenance isn't possible unless that is addressed, IMO.
Also ask your mom to keep the crap that is too tempting away from you - either don't bring it in the house or hide it. I'm sure she wants you to be successful so tell her that's one way she can help you be successful.
Best wishes,
I agree with Slim Kim: Resist the food!
I live with my family. My mom, dad, and sister. They ALL bring junk food into the house. Especially my Daddy. There's never a day in this house where you can't find a klondike bar in the freezer. But seriously: In the beginning, it was SUPER hard to resist that stuff. But I've resisted it so much and for so long, that it's actually become a habit. Do I want the food? Hell yes. But I've said no to it so many times, that I can say no easily now and it's no sweat.
A friend of mine said something really cool to me once about resisting food. She said that whenever she thinks she shouldn't eat something like cheesecake or a twinkie, she says to herself "I've had it before". Seriously roll that through your mind. Like - you've had the chocolate ice cream and little debbie's before: what are you going to get out of eating them again? You know what they taste like because you've had them before - it's nothing new, you know?
Keep your weight loss at the tip of your tongue this year. I want to see you losing like a mo' fo'. Be strong for me, Stac!!!
Twinkies, too - YUCK. That crap did used to enchant me, I won't lie. Now I think those taste like plastic - no flavor whatsoever, just that weird greazy film and a mainlined blast of sugary chemicals. Total speedball of yuck.
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
Be strong!!
Since you know you are suffering from food addiction, why not start attending meeting of Overeaters Anonymous? They directly address that problem, and you will have another support system that will also address just why you are addicted to food. The 12 Steps are a good way of looking at those issues that drive your food addiction. I also, if you can afford it, recommend seeing an eating disorders therapist, who will also help you address those issues. As for the well-meaning but health sabotaging relatives, just pray to your Higher Power (what ever you conceive that Power to be) and ask for the willingness to avoid unhealthy foods, and only eat healthy foods in moderate amounts. I do this every day, and it works for me! I did an amazing thing this past month. While I did fall off the wagon on the holidays, I prayed very hard to God to give me the willingness to do whatever it takes to get off my excess weight. I got right back on track the next few days, and I've managed to lose 1-1/2 pounds this past month, in spite of the holidays! That's a new record for me, because I've always gained on the holidays before! It can be done!
Good luck, and you can find meetings of Overeaters Anonymous and also Food Addicts Anonymous on and
Denise Phares/kitties4
Argh...are you effin kiddin me...Little Debbie? that stuff tastes like old tobacco (never mind how i know). That type of crap is not even worth going off plan for. Do you not note the way the parafin coats your tongue? the way the chemicals tend to burn your soft tissues? YUC****ase and desist this instant on that crap!!! If you really do not see this, go buy a whole box and sit there and eat every. last. crummy. crumb. Til you get sick.
or more reasonably, eat ONE. ONE, after a good meal like once a week. no way will that cause a binge unless you choose that.
The other meal could be a little easier to handle - make and eat YOUR food first, then if you really must have chicken quesa, eat a half of one in all its cheesy glory! then stop. I have conducted my loss by working in some of these types of foods once in a while; for me if i feel too deprived, there is a danger of a jumping off point.
You ARE strong enough. I think most everyone here has this issue of foods right under our noses. I do not think it is realistic to even entertain that less than desirable food will ever truly go bye bye. It is always a factor and part of this whole thing: learn to walk away. In OA it is said to "keep your eyes on your own plate", and that is so true. Let the others love their food till they choke on it, YOU do not have to. Do not choose that!
You can dew it, sister....go get the good food first. Remember you still have lost 50+ pounds - nothing to sneeze at. This tim eof year is predictably harder, now we are all moved on...Come with me...step AWAY from the Little Debbie!
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain
I only said that to say this, as long as you are living in that house, you're on you're own kid and I don't see it getting any better. But at least now that you've identified the problem, you can start to deal with that problem as it pertains to your journey.
You could start by cleaning cabinets as a pretense to move all of the junk to one cabinet so that you don't have to see it. That way, you don't see it staring atcha!

Try some visualization. Imagine yourself eating a Little Debbie Cake and you are huge and big and fat and ugly and it is making you uglier by the second. Then go and look in the mirror and imagine what your face will look like when it's thin. I know it sounds weird, but switching your brain from one subject to another so fast really does help you not want what made you ugly!
I know that you know that you can do's just gonna take some creativity on your part.