Abstinence - 252nd Day
1 orange
1 cup Rolling Oats cereal
1 cup light soy milk
1 cup coffee
2 cups water
7 tiny sandwiches on tiny buns (ham salad, roast beef w/cheese, tuna salad, & ham w/cheese)
4 tiny cookies
5 large cookies
1 pork chop on griddle
1 baked white potato with margarine
1/2 can pineapple chunks
1/2 can vegetable soup
2 cups tomato juice
1 Slim A Bear sugar-free, low fat ice cream bar with crunchies in the chocolate crust
*I suppose you're wondering why I had what I did for lunch. I stopped by my employers office to pick up two bags of gloves (I'm a home health aide) and my new long-sleeved smock, when I spied their Christmas party food, and I hadn't had lunch yet. I decided to stay and eat their food for my lunch, since I only go to the office Christmas party once a year. I know I ate too many cookies, but then I only do this once a year, so I decided to indulge myself. I know some of you will judge me, but I don't particularly feel guilty, so go ahead and judge me. By dinner time, I'll be back on track.
Denise Phares/kitties4