Hate myself today
Well I am sorry to hear that you have so much on your plate and that you are back up to 300. This time of the season is suppose to be so great..you know..the most wonderful time of the year..but yet it seems as though everyone gets all stressed out! We all get off of track you know what you have to do so now you just have to get back ON track and you can do this. Look how far you have come you dont want to give all that up now..and yeah after eating so good and then taking in all this crap..i am sure you pretty much feel like crap..the only thing i know to tell you is to keep all the junk out of the house so you don even have the temptation..keep apples or something around..better to grab that then to grab the other junk food. I know how the colic thing goes..my son had that and that can get stressful..i hope that things get better for you..and remember if you start eating better again you will probably have a lot more energy to get you through the colic stage..so hang in there!!
on 12/16/08 10:43 am - NY

Original goal: lose 53 lbs. New goal: lose 68-78 lbs total.
Okay Stac - so you hate yourself; now what are you going to do about it?
You've got two options. You could:
A) Eat what you want using "Stress" as your excuse and fly under the radar until you get motivated to work on your weight again or...
B) Take action today and stop this now.
This is your life - these are your choices and you MUST do what's BEST FOR YOU! I want you healthy. I want to see you happy with yourself. I want the next post you make to have the title "LOVE myself today!!"
Stop the snacking, stop the fast food choices - you are worth the effort you must put into making healthy meals for yourself. Don't ever forget that!
on 12/16/08 12:18 pm - Rochester, NY
Our only choice here (and I say our, cause I'm in the same boat) is to take charge and putting yourself first. You can't be there for everyone else if you don't love yourself. And let's face it, the stress is gonna be there no matter what you do....you can just choose to have all that stress and feel ****ty about yourself on top of it, OR have all that stress and feel good that you're doing something positive for yourself and your family.
I know you can do this Stacey and turn it around again. By the way....your little one can be picking up on you stressing out over all of this too (won't help the colic situation). So having a happy, healthy Mama is the best answer for him too!
will be praying for you!!
Oh Stacy, I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I'm a little late coming in this thread, but just wanted to give you hugs since you already got lots of good advice and words of wisdom. Keep your chin up and don't look down! That's when those darn donuts appear! :)
I actually did want to say one thing (of course I have to open my big mouth). While I think it's great that you are there for your mother, you have a load on your plate. Make sure your thinking of Stacy first! One thing I didn't realize at your age is that no one else can take care of me. You are on your own. Here you are taking care of your mother, worrying about your husband, and of course caring and loving your new little one. DON'T forget about yourself. Feeding your sadness, your fears, your frustration will only bring you more misery....being fatter. This new little bundle is yours and who's going to take care of him if your not around? You need to get healthy Stacy, you NEED too. At your age I was so busy taking care of others I forgot to take care of myself. I am double that weight now at age 40, so be careful. I'm not trying to scare you, I"m just trying to make a point because no one else can feed you, but you! Plus I would hate to see you fall into the same trap I did. :) We luvs ya on here and we want to see you have a healthy, long, and active life!
Plus this is the PERFECT time to start eating the way you want your little guy to eat! He can grow up eating healthy instead of Taco Bell!