What did you eat today? 12/11
Awwe Neen, you know I loves ya like crazee,
and I don't want you to think I'm picking on you, but did you read the lable on that Lean Cuisine? Hidden sugar and starch.
http://www.leancuisine.com/Products/NutritionInformation.asp x?ProductID=302
Just sayin'.

http://www.leancuisine.com/Products/NutritionInformation.asp x?ProductID=302
Just sayin'.
Alright, I went grocery shopping today so.......I now have food in the house I can eat.
Breakfast-Scrambled eggs, and atkins shake (1)
Snack-Atkins bar (the cinnamon bun one..the website said it was allowed soo...?) (2carb)
Lunch- celery sticks w. cream cheese, a chunk of cheese, and 2 sausage patties (0 carbs, 0sugar)
(carbs 2)
Snack-1/2 cup cucumber slices w. 1tsp ranch (2carbs)
Dinner-salad w. grilled chicken and chunk cheese (5 carbs)
Snack-sugar free jello
total net carbs=12
Breakfast-Scrambled eggs, and atkins shake (1)
Snack-Atkins bar (the cinnamon bun one..the website said it was allowed soo...?) (2carb)
Lunch- celery sticks w. cream cheese, a chunk of cheese, and 2 sausage patties (0 carbs, 0sugar)
(carbs 2)
Snack-1/2 cup cucumber slices w. 1tsp ranch (2carbs)
Dinner-salad w. grilled chicken and chunk cheese (5 carbs)
Snack-sugar free jello
total net carbs=12
Trisha Jane
VSG on 06/04/15
TJ, Thats great!! I can't wait to get on the scale on monday and see what's happened this week!! I hate not being able to weigh at home, but it's probably better for my mental health...if I could, I'd be on the scale more than a dozen times a day!! But I'm sure something's happening, cause my pants feel more lose, and my favorite pair of sweats hang on me! (YAY!!) I have noticed how my jeans seem a LOT longer now that they're looser...
Either that or i'm shrinking in height too!

VSG on 06/04/15