What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud? Biggest Loser Edition
OK! Ha ha - yeah, I gotcha.
Let's set a date, and post our posteriors on a unique thread. We can have several catagories with scale of 1 - 5 scores.
For me, this must be in bathing suit bottoms or at least undies.
If we post them anonymously (can that happen?) then collect votes, it would be amusing.
Let's set a date, and post our posteriors on a unique thread. We can have several catagories with scale of 1 - 5 scores.
For me, this must be in bathing suit bottoms or at least undies.

Ummm....Ruth, my A$$ has been on my profile for over a year now, I think it's possible a few folks may have seen it and know it's mine. In my own defense, I originally came from the trashy side of OH...the Plastic Surgery Board, and it was normal for everyone over there to have a pic of their butts on their profile! Weird, I don't see that over here.
We'll have to get with Kimmie about the date. And about that prize. Having my butt look decent enough to put it in a Butt Contest is reward enough for me!!!

We'll have to get with Kimmie about the date. And about that prize. Having my butt look decent enough to put it in a Butt Contest is reward enough for me!!!

Awwe maaaaaan, that is just wrong on so many levels! You finally got to a size eight and you can't even be happy about it.
You'll get it all straightened out in the end and everything will be OK...eventually, one day. And then you and me and Trix will go on a trip. Just not to Vegas...you done lost your A$$!
You'll get it all straightened out in the end and everything will be OK...eventually, one day. And then you and me and Trix will go on a trip. Just not to Vegas...you done lost your A$$!